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how to write a book

How to Write a Book: Who Is Your Ideal Reader?

By Ronda Del Boccio NABBW’s Entrepreneurial Authoring Expert As an author mentor, I attract poetry and fiction authors as well as nonfiction authors. Truly, any author needs to think like an entrepreneur, because there is more to writing the book than simply writing and publishing. One of the biggest stumbling blocks that causes my students […]

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4 Simple Ways to Create a Book Bonus

4 Simple Ways to Create a Book Bonus By Ronda Del Boccio NABBW’s Entrepreneurial Authoring Expert When you\’re writing your book, it\’s important to give the reader a compelling reason to come to your website. Saying “visit my website for more information” with a link just won\’t cut it. Everyone\’s too busy to visit without […]

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KDP Select: A New Option for Publishing With Kindle

KDP Select: A New Option for Publishing With Kindle By Ronda Del Boccio NABBW’s Entrepreneurial Authoring Expert Have you heard the hot Kindle publishing news? Learn everything you need to know about KDP Select in this video I made just for you. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAjHd5iN-bA Receive inspirational thoughts, quotes, stories & more at http://ProfitableStorytelling.com/inspirationalstories. #1 bestselling author […]

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Author Success: How to Write a Book with Author Mentoring

Author Success: How to Write a Book with Author Mentoring By Ronda Del Boccio NABBW’s Entrepreneurial Authoring Expert Far too many authors end up with broken dreams because they didn’t get mentoring BEFORE they finished writing the book. You’re about to meet a published author whom I’ll call Cheryl (not her real name). Cheryl had wanted […]

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How to Write a Book with Multiple Authors

How to Write a Book with Multiple Authors By Ronda Del Boccio NABBW’s Entrepreneurial Authoring Expert Writing a book doesn\’t get much easier than assembling a book with multiple authors. After all, you don\’t have to write very much of the book. You simply have to pick some great co-authors and put everything together in […]

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The Power of Journaling: Article 4 in a Series

The Power of Journaling: Part 4 in a Series By Erica Miner NABBW’s Journaling Expert Greetings, Boomers! This month, let’s talk about writing a book. Seriously, you ask? I can write a book? I truly, passionately believe there is a book in everyone. Journaling is a powerful way of creating that book. In fact, journaling […]

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