  Saturday - July 27th, 2024

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Baby Boomer Trends

Baby Boomers Have Always Been Trendsetters. As We Grew Up, We:

  • Caused our parents to move to the suburbs
  • Marched for equal rights for blacks, women, gays
  • Rallied for peace – beginning with Viet Nam and continuing today
  • Entered college in droves
  • Fought against the corporate “glass ceiling”
  • Gave birth to fewer children
  • Bought mini-vans and chauffeured our kids to play dates and activities
  • Started the exercise craze – remember Jane Fonda?

Today, We Boomers Still Power Trends. Among The New Ones:

  • Health, Vitality & Wellness – Call it the desire to be “forever young”
  • Work, Money & Avocation – Postponing retirement, or changing its face
  • Creativity & Learning – Colleges are seeing the return of the Boomers
  • Passion, Play, Travel & Adventure – Because we don’t work all the time
  • Fashion & Beauty – Botox is just the beginning of our impact
  • Family & Friends – We realize their importance
  • Caregiving & Grandparenting – Yep, now we’re the “sandwich generation”
  • Romance/Love & Sexuality – We’re NOT too old…
  • Giving Back, Volunteering & Philanthropy – Who said “me generation?”
  • Religion & Spirituality – We’re open to the Universe…

And Here Are a Few More Facts About Baby Boomer Women:

  • By 2030, 54% of the 78 million American Boomers will be women. Used to shaping our own lives, marching, picketing, campaigning and protesting we will have the power to speak out and take action as never before.
  • Women have stepped to the forefront as the force in making consumer purchasing decisions, from 91% of homes, 60% of cars and 51% of electronics; an estimated $20 trillion annually.
  • Baby Boomers hold more than 90% of the country’s net worth and account for 78% of all financial assets.
  • Netting out to the fact that Boomer women control over 60% of the nation’s wealth. Since we outlive men by an average of five years, we can expect that we will live to see a time when 80-90% of women will be in charge of their family’s financial affairs.
  • As we enter the second decade of the 21st century, women are on the verge of attaining economic parity with men—something our great-grandmothers and grandfathers would never have imagined.
  • With this new economic fortitude, women have the opportunity to take previously untapped power into their hands to influence the direction of the marketplace, the workplace, the family, and worldwide leadership.
  • By the year 2030, there will be 71.5 million Americans age 65 or older, more than double the number currently within that demographic. And more than half of them will be women.
Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.