  Friday - September 20th, 2024

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Push Aside Outdated Impressions You May Have of this Culturally Astonishing, Breathtakingly Beautiful Country. It’s a Fascinating Destination.

By Sandra Colony for the NABBW Ethiopia: Chances are you haven’t been there – but you might change your mind when you learn more about this frequently misunderstood nation, one that can trace its roots to the 2nd millennium. Located on the horn of Africa, Ethiopia is a country that many baby boomers associate with […]

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I’m a Person, Not a Smudge

By Leigh Anne Jasheway NABBW’s Associate for Boomer Humor   Why are there so many creams for women over “a certain age” that have the word “blur” in them? There’s Miracle Blur, Opti-Blur, Magic Blur, 5-Second Blur, Victoria’s Secret Blur Bra for Boobs Over 50 (okay, I made that last one up, but it’s probably […]

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Wants vs. Needs — It’s a Matter of Perspective

By Becky Feola NABBW’s Associate for Assisted Living and Caregiving The first week in January is always full of surprises. More often than usual, my office phone rings with calls from family members who spent time visiting with their aging loved one and now are feeling remorse about not living closer or being able to […]

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Going Local on Maui

By Linda Ballou NABBW’s Adventure Travel Associate   Would you like to spend a week in Hawaii without having to cash in your 401K? Resorts with high-end amenities are lovely to stay in, but, for many, too costly to call home for a week. Air B&B offers rooms for rent from local hosts at very […]

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Pompeii – A History Buff’s Travel Dream

By Teresa Roberts NABBW’s Associate for Living Abroad   When I was in grade school, every student in my classroom received a copy of the Weekly Reader. Maybe the mention of that little publication triggers a memory for you, too. Most of the stories and information that I gathered from the Weekly Reader did not […]

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No Matter Whether You’re Making Personal or Work-Related Resolutions, Judith Scherven, Ph.D., Says the Big Question Remains the Same: “What’s Your 2015 BHAG?”

By Judith Scherven, Ph.D. NABBW’s Associate for Healthy Relationships  Here we are at the end of 2014, getting ready for a new year in just a few days. For many people it will be “business as usual.” No point in getting stressed out with ideas of larger success. No point in reaching beyond what’s already […]

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For My Mother’s Birthday an Ode to My Father

By Linda Campanella For the NABBW Today I brought two yellow roses to my father. Two days from now, my late mother would be turning 80. Yellow roses were “their” roses ever since their romance began in 1956. Mom lived just long enough to celebrate their 52nd anniversary before succumbing to cancer in the fall […]

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