  Friday - September 20th, 2024

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Olfet Agrama’s Book “At the Crossroad” is Eye Opener

We just profiled new member Olfet Agrama on our blog. Check it out here. She’s authored a fascinating novel about life in Egypt during the 1950’s, titled “At the Crossroad.” And don’t miss our free teleseminar with her tomorrow, April 9, 2015 at 8 PM Eastern. Listen live, or if you can’t make it, go […]

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News Flash: It’s Time to Learn to Accept Compliments and Receive Praise ~ This WON’T Make You “Big-Headed” (Promise!)

By Judith Sherven, PhD NABBW’s Associate for Healthy Relationships Hear Yea! Hear Yea! Let it be known across the land: Receiving Praise and Compliments for Your Excellence Does NOT Make You Big-headed! Yet, in a recent workshop “Overcoming the Fear of Being Fabulous: It’s Time To Shatter Your Inner Glass Ceiling” (which my husband Jim […]

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What You Learn in Your 60s

By Claude Forthomme (Nougat) for the NABBW Starting in 2014, there was a rash of Baby Boomer celebrations, from the Beatles appearing on the Ed Sullivan Show to President Kennedy’s assassination. Possibly because 2014 was a milestone of sorts, that was the year that all boomers, even the youngest ones born in 1964, passed their […]

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An American Snowbird in Southern Spain

By Teresa Roberts NABBW’s Associate for Living Abroad I’m in southern Spain —again. This time, I am here for two months, living in my own apartment. Last year, I came to Spain to find an apartment on the coast of Andalucía. My ultimate goal was to locate a place that could become my home-away-from-home for […]

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The Cultural Importance of Hair

By Sandra Colony for the NABBW I think it’s safe to say that many American women obsess about their hair. No matter our hair type, we spend much of our time, trying to change it. We wash it too frequently, blow dry it regularly, dye it, curl it, straighten it and put all kinds of […]

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