  Sunday - July 7th, 2024

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Healthy Woman


Eat from the Fountain of Youth: 5 Food Groups that Keep You Young By Janet Brill, Ph.D., R.D., LDN NABBW’s Healthy Heart Lifestyle Expert Cardiovascular disease, primarily heart attacks and stroke, is the #1 killer of American men and women and continues to occur in epidemic proportions, dwarfing all other causes of death including all […]

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Can You Be Loved for Being Different?

Can You Be Loved for Being Different? By Judith Sherven, Ph.D. NABBW’s Healthy Relationships Expert Before we get into what it means to be loved for being different in your wisdom-elder years, we want to take you on a bit of a vision quest. When you were growing up what did you learn about how […]

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Kids on Summer Vacation: A Working Parent\’s Dilemma

Kids on Summer Vacation: A Working Parent\’s Dilemma By Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D. and Rosemary Lichtman, Ph.D. For families, June is a busy time with graduation parties, little league championships and music recitals. And we all know that right around the corner is summer vacation – lazy days for kids but often stressful for working parents. […]

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Beauty In The Pieces

Beauty In The Pieces By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert Beauty in the pieces. Graduations, being a BOOMER, retirement, job loss, divorce, empty nest, marriage, new career, travel, are transitions. You know where you have been. You enter a cycle of both excitement and uncertainty about your new daily life. Beauty in the […]

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The Power of Journaling – Article 8 in a Series: Journaling Equipment (addenda), Creating a Ritual, Methods

The Power of Journaling – Article 8 in a Series: Journaling Equipment (addenda), Creating a Ritual, Methods By Erica Miner NABBW’s Journaling Expert Greetings, Boomers! As promised in last month\’s article, we\’ll discuss creating a journaling ritual. Instead of proposing specific exercises this time around, I will instead delineate some of my favorite journaling methods […]

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Summer Parties

Summer Parties By Regina Leeds, The Zen Organizer NABBW’s Organizational Skills Expert After Memorial Day Weekend the weather cooperates and we all dream about an outdoor party. We\’ve been cooped up all winter and it feels like time to release \’ye olde BBQ\’ from its winter slumber. You know me: I need a plan. Here […]

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Bulgur Pilaf with Dried Apricots

Bulgur Pilaf with Dried Apricots By Pat Sinclair NABBW’s Cooking for Two Expert For me, the best meals in the summer start with juicy grilled chicken, pork or seafood. To complete these easy meals, prepare a simple summer side dish made with bulgur. Bulgur, a nutritious whole grain, is often found in the organic or […]

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Things That Go Boom in the Night

Things That Go Boom in the Night By Leigh Anne Jasheway NABBW’s Boomer Humor Expert The fireworks stands are up now and I can\’t wait… to strangle somebody. For the past week, we\’ve had fireworks going offat the schoolyard down the street and it\’s only the middle of June. If this doesn\’t stop, I\’m going […]

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