  Monday - September 16th, 2024

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Family & Relationships

Check Out These Additional Subcategories Under Family & Relationships

Traveling With Family? Make It Memorable, Not Miserable!

Traveling With Family? Make It Memorable, Not Miserable! By Deanna Brann, Ph.D. NABBW’s In-Law Survival Associate Summer’s here and it’s time for vacation! Most of us look forward to getting away all year long, anticipating a break from work, worries, and everyday life. But things can get tricky when we include more than just our […]

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Four Tips for How Not to Sweat the Small Stuff

Four Tips for How Not to Sweat the Small Stuff By Deanna Brann, Ph.D. NABBW’s In-Law Survival Associate   How many times has someone in your life—an in-law, spouse, co-worker, friend, or whoever—done something or said something that just makes your blood boil and you can’t seem to let it go? You keep replaying it […]

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Give Yourself Permission to Play This Summer

Give Yourself Permission to Play This Summer By Natalie Caine M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert   Whether solo or with a friend, summer invites you to get out and see what you haven\’t had the chance to explore.   Our groups, which sometimes meet on the telephone, all agreed, that two days of getting out […]

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100 Cameras, My Story

By Natalie Caine M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert   When my daughter went 3,000 miles to college, I felt a spread of feelings.  Happy for her, excited that I, her mother was a part of her journey up to this door and empty from a role I loved and knew was shifting. I had a […]

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Thanksgiving By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert The friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you. Elbert Hubbard Memories rise up. People we have spent time with and those we no longer can see, come visiting in our minds and hearts. Memories are a good thing. We fear […]

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Change It Up

Change It Up By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert When I was in Boston last week, I tried something new. While walking, and this sounds silly I know, I would stop and look up. People in windows, staircases, cranes, flashing tall lights, birds and squirrels, shoes, the moon, stars, planes, lanterns, animals in […]

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Be Sure to Laugh & Play

12 Secrets To Great Romance For The Rest Of Your Life By Judith Sherven, Ph.D. NABBW’s Healthy Relationships Expert Perhaps you\’re in a long-term relationship and the joy is gone. You don\’t want to be with anyone else but you wish it could be more fun, more exciting. Do you miss when you were younger […]

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3 Tips On How To Increase Your Odds Of Staying Married The Second Time

Without intervention, divorce rates look like this: First marriage: 50 percent end in divorce Second marriage: 64 percent end in divorce Third marriage: 74 percent end in divorce I believe it is possible to lower the higher divorce rate for second marriages. Before entering into another relationship, you must be willing to take the time […]

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