  Saturday - September 7th, 2024

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Holiday Tips: Discover How to Successfully Create “Those” Memorable Moments with Your Grandchildren ~~ Without Creating “Those Moments” with Their Parents

Holiday Tips: Discover How to Successfully Create “Those” Memorable Moments with Your Grandchildren   ~~  Without Creating “Those Moments” with Their Parents By Deanna Brann, Ph.D. NABBW’s In-Law Survival Associate With the holidays in full swing, we all are trying our darndest to find those perfect gifts, prepare our homes, and make the season memorable—for […]

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What Do You Worry About?

What Do You Worry About? By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert Changes, like empty nest, bring up past losses and worries. Your inner critic may have a feast saying things in your head that aren’t true. Recently, our group shared what worries them. Perhaps some of the items on their list sound familiar […]

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Is Empty Nest Necessary?

Is Empty Nest Necessary? By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert In my group, sweet Susan said with a slight laugh, “Loss is necessary but is empty nest?” We were talking about the cumulative losses over our lifetimes. Susan was having a sad day. Her bottom line essentially boiled down to this, “I tried […]

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Asking for Direction – a Spiritual Tool

Trina was in a quandary. Her 24-year-old son Justin was begging her to pay next semester’s college tuition, and she just didn’t know what to do. On the one hand, she was anxious for him to complete his degree and get a full-time job, especially since he still lived rent-free with his mom and dad. […]

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The Power of Encouragement

My 44-year-old client Ruben went through his fourth chemical dependency treatment program a year ago and has been clean and sober ever since. A drug addict since his early teens, at no previous time has his sobriety lasted longer than six months. He freely admits that his totally willingness to do whatever is suggested to […]

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Less Really Is More

Most parents of young adults struggle with a similar dilemma: wondering how involved we should be in helping our children find direction for their lives. On the one hand, we want our loved ones to be happy and successful, to have clearly defined goals and the motivation to carry them out. On the other hand, […]

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Intensity in the Empty Nest

Intensity in the Empty Nest By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert   As we ease out of Summer, and into Fall, many of us will agree that we\’ve been through an intense time. That\’s why it is now time to take a few minutes for ourselves, and why it is especially important to […]

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Are You Dealing With a Passive-Aggressive Daughter-In-Law? With a Bit of Understanding, You\’ll Soon Discover How to Beat Her at Her Own Game

Are You Dealing with a Passive-Aggressive Daughter-In-Law? With a Bit of Understanding, You\’ll Soon Discover How to Beat Her at Her Own Game By Deanna Brann, Ph.D. NABBW’s In-Law Survival Associate A person who is passive aggressive in his or her behavior is difficult enough to deal with; when that person is a family member […]

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Empty Nest—The Count Down

Empty Nest — The Count Down By Natalie Caine M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert   Packing them up, checking the list, finalizing details, as your children are almost in the dorm. You are shocked that this life you have had with your precious one has gone so fast. Empty nest is not for long because […]

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