  Tuesday - March 25th, 2025

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Shirley Meerson Reminds Us About the Importance of Managing Stress During the Holidays, Offers Useful Suggestions

By Shirley Meerson, CHWC, CBT ~ NABBW’s Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Associate

Don’t let the holiday season take a toll on your health and wellness. 

With the holidays coming up, the next few weeks can bring on unwanted stress.  The pressures and demands can send people into meltdown, and it really isn’t necessary.

Don’t buy into the chaos that comes with the holiday season.

There are strategies that can help with the stress, grief, and anxiety that many people may feel.  As little as 5 minutes of self-care will go a long way toward your peace and sanity – and can lower your stress levels. I’d prefer it if you take at least 30 minutes daily for your own personal needs and enjoyment.

  • Monitor your moods. Do more things that make you happy. Don’t give in to the pressure of lack of time or lack of money. Or the stress of mandatory gift giving.  These concepts are so outdated. Plan ahead and prioritize tasks daily so you don’t get overwhelmed.
  • Unplug from devices and get out in nature – keep moving. Do your best to get as much sunlight as possible. Always stay hydrated.
  • Get enough sleep and go over your gratitude list at night in bed.
  • Make time for yourself to have fun – socialize with friends and enjoy your life.

  • Take deep breathing breaks. Or if you’re using your phone a lot – there’s several free apps to use for music, visuals, or short courses. Try CALM  or Sleep Machine.
  • Add holiday fragrances to your home. Enjoy these aroma fragrances in soaps, candles, incense, bath bombs. Think cinnamon, cedar, fig, pine, orange, clove, and many more.

  • Additionally, there are supplements that help to manage and reduce stress. For example: Ashwagandha, Chamomile, L-theanine, and Magnesium. I use them because I prefer to be proactive, and they really work.

One of the resources that I provide for clients and patients that I mentor is to have access to my personal dispensary recommendations.  I offer top-quality supplements and wellness products – delivered to your door by Fullscript.  I have decided for now to offer my discount to EVERYONE HERE at NABBW – even if you do not have a coaching consult or mentor package. To proceed you will need to send me a brief explanation of what you want help with, and I will then dish out a recommendation. Or look at the 250 brands offered at Fullscript and you can choose for yourself.

Just follow this link to register.  If you’d like a short free consult with me regarding your needs – shoot me an email Shirley@shirleymeerson.com and I’ll get you on the road.

  • Regarding holiday eating – don’t obsess – let loose a bit. Having splurges and different habits during the holidays than during the rest of the year is absolutely normal and healthy.

  • Most of all: put a focus on yourself this holiday season and factor in your physical and mental wellness each and every day.
  • May you have a blessed season and wonderful New Year !

Shirley Meerson is a Certified Health & Wellness Coach (CHWC), Lifestyle Writer, and Natural Healing Educator.  She is also certified in Cognitive Behavior Therapy.  Shirley has dedicated her life to guiding and inspiring others to choose health.  She has a passion for holistic health, stress management, and healing technologies that spans over three decades in 12 countries.

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