  Tuesday - February 18th, 2025

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Shirley Meerson is a Certified Health & Wellness Coach (CHWC), Lifestyle Writer, and Natural Healing Educator.  She is also certified in Cognitive Behavior Therapy.  Shirley has dedicated her life to guiding and inspiring others to choose health.  She has a passion for holistic health, stress management, and healing technologies that spans over three decades in 12 countries.

Kick stress to the curb, overactive thoughts, mood swings, sleep deprivation, poor eating habits, and more.  Live your life and forget your age, it’s a mindset.

Shirley offers 1:1 online and in-person coaching with those who want to learn her Ageless Wellness Method. She also creates bespoke health events and travels as a specialist to business retreats, hotels, resorts, spas, and wellness facilities.

You can learn more about Shirley Meerson, Ageless Wellness Coach & Lifestyle Writer over at SHIRLEYMEERSON.COM

Connect with Shirley Meerson:

Join her Ageless Wellness Inner Circle (free) at top banner on her website: https://www.shirleymeerson.com/

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Shirley Meerson Reminds Us About the Importance of Managing Stress During the Holidays, Offers Useful Suggestions

By Shirley Meerson, CHWC, CBT ~ NABBW's Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Associate Don’t let the holiday season take a toll on your health and wellness.  With the holidays coming up, the next few wee…By Shirley Meerson, …By Shirley Meerson, CHWC, CBT ~ NABBW's Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Associate Don’t let the holiday season take a toll on your health and wellness.  With the holidays coming up, the next few weeks can bring on unwanted stress.  The pressures and demands can send people into meltdown, and it really isn’t necessary. Don’t buy into the chaos that comes with the holiday season. There are strategies that can help with the stress, grief, and anxiety that many people may feel.  As little as 5 minutes of self-care will go a long way toward your peace and sanity – and can lower your …

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Want to Feel Better FAST? Shirley Meerson Says Morning Light Boosts Mood and Immune System, Lowers Stress and Helps You Sleep Better.

By Shirley Meerson, CHWC, CBT ~ NABBW's Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Associate A little sunshine goes a long way.  How would you like a natural mood boost combined with greater alertness? The happi…By Shirley Meerson, …By Shirley Meerson, CHWC, CBT ~ NABBW's Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Associate A little sunshine goes a long way.  How would you like a natural mood boost combined with greater alertness? The happiness, the light, the cheerfulness, the joy and sparkles that comes via sunlight are so important for our mind and body. You might call it Self-Care 101! Indeed, the morning light is medicinal and magical. At this time in our lives - self-care is so important.  Shirley personally uses and recommends that a good dose of morning light should be an integral part of everyone's ageless wellness li…

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Shirley Meerson Reminds Us: SELF-CARE CEO – Hire Yourself Today

By Shirley Meerson, CHWC ~ NABBW's Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Associate   It’s time to appoint Yourself, as the CEO of your self-care. A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking…By Shirley Meerson, …By Shirley Meerson, CHWC ~ NABBW's Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Associate   It’s time to appoint Yourself, as the CEO of your self-care. A Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive. Or Managing Director, if you prefer. Get a grip on your self-care – this is a serious subject. Self-care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness. I’m talking about all the areas of your life – medical, spiritual, mental, beautification. Remember, growing older is inevitable – aging is optional. Our brains …

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Shirley Meerson  On “The Importance of Choosing Foods for Stress Reduction”

By Shirley Meerson, CHWC ~ NABBW's Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Associate Stress levels these days have increased dramatically...unfortunately. Have you noticed that during the times of intense stres…By Shirley Meerson, …By Shirley Meerson, CHWC ~ NABBW's Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Associate Stress levels these days have increased dramatically...unfortunately. Have you noticed that during the times of intense stress your willpower flies out the window?  And then you eat to comfort yourself. Most of us know that we are doing it but prefer to take the instant dopamine rush of wrongful eating. Hey, splurging is OK by me, but put on the brakes if you know it is a habit. Evidence shows that diets high in processed foods can increase anxiety. And then picking the wrong foods to eat will add to increa…

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Shirley Meerson Shares 5 Quick Tips To Relax and Comfort Your Body

By Shirley Meerson, CHWC ~ NABBW's Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Associate Learn to relax with these 5 quick tips to comfort your body and then your mind will take the pressure off and allow you to r…By Shirley Meerson, …By Shirley Meerson, CHWC ~ NABBW's Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Associate Learn to relax with these 5 quick tips to comfort your body and then your mind will take the pressure off and allow you to relax.  It's so very important to take good care of your mental wellness and physical stress. Comfort is defined as a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. Your body wants you to be healthy.  Unfortunately, there has been too many times when you’re feeling overcome with stress.  And this mental discomfort leads to physical discomfort. I’m suggesting that you st…

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Are You Wearily Dozing Through the Day But Sleeplessly Suffering at Night? Shirley Meerson Recommends Daytime Habits to Help You Succeed

By Shirley Meerson, CHWC ~ NABBW's Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Associate Sleep is a top priority for your ageless wellness lifestyle.  You may not realize that some of your daytime habits may be t…By Shirley Meerson, …By Shirley Meerson, CHWC ~ NABBW's Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Associate Sleep is a top priority for your ageless wellness lifestyle.  You may not realize that some of your daytime habits may be the cause of your failure to have regular restful sleep at night. Have you tuned into the fact that a good night’s sleep is just as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet? Sleep provides a list of restorative powers and allows you to function at your best.  The healing that occurs during sleep affects your hormones, inflammation, brain health, stress, and immune system. Your n…

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Aromatherapy Gives You Quick Stress Relief

By Shirley Meerson, CHWC ~NABBW's Associate for an Ageless Wellness Lifestyle I know during certain times and days I can feel my cortisol revving much too high. Can you feel when you’re s…By Shirley Meerson, …By Shirley Meerson, CHWC ~NABBW's Associate for an Ageless Wellness Lifestyle I know during certain times and days I can feel my cortisol revving much too high. Can you feel when you’re stressed? Believe it or not I know of a lot of people who aren’t in touch with their body and don’t know they are out of balance.  Until they’re flat-out sick, at the doctor’s office, or in the hospital. An overload of stress can give a person symptoms such as excessive craving for junk food, nervous stomach, poor sleep, weight gain, headaches, tanked sex drive, mood swings, and too …

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Intermittent Fasting Benefits for Your Ageless Lifestyle

By Shirley Meerson, CHWC, NABBW's Associate for an Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Move over diets. Intermittent fasting is here to stay. And with great benefits for an Ageless Wellness Lifestyle. …By Shirley Meerson, …By Shirley Meerson, CHWC, NABBW's Associate for an Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Move over diets. Intermittent fasting is here to stay. And with great benefits for an Ageless Wellness Lifestyle. Enter a new era that focuses on when you eat and not what. It’s all about controlling the hours when you eat, as opposed to what you eat. Sounds too good to be true…lol. If you want to lose fat, improve metabolism, and experience other health benefits all without giving up your favorite foods, intermittent fasting might be for you! Are you ready for a new eating pattern? Intermi…

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Skin Maintenance for Your Ageless Wellness Beauty

By Shirley Meerson, CHWC, NABBW's Associate for the Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Psst…here’s one of my ageless beauty maintenance tips – Face Serums. I’ve been using them as part of my…By Shirley Meerson, …By Shirley Meerson, CHWC, NABBW's Associate for the Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Psst…here’s one of my ageless beauty maintenance tips – Face Serums. I’ve been using them as part of my regular skin care for years, simply because they work. I love serums because I can see and feel the results. Healthy beautiful skin is always in style. One thing that you’ll definitely notice is that face serums are expensive.  Yikes.  However, I assure you that serums are well worth the cost.  Many brands come in pump bottles or have medicine dropper applicators to give out just th…

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Movement Is A Pillar of Self-Care for Ageless Wellness

By Shirley Meerson, CHWC, NABBW's Associate for the Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Have you let your self-care habits drop off because your mind is fixed on other important matters? Are you getting any …By Shirley Meerson, …By Shirley Meerson, CHWC, NABBW's Associate for the Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Have you let your self-care habits drop off because your mind is fixed on other important matters? Are you getting any exercise or doing enough exercise? Movement is life. And without it – people tend to age harshly. Staying fit is a big key to holistic beauty. Studies show that exercising can actually slow down the aging process! Now is the time to ignite your fitness. What’s more important than to get moving again? With exercise comes flexibility, strength and confidence in your body. If you want to…

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.