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Travel-Related Books Make Great Gifts for Friends with a Wandering Eye

By Linda Ballou NABBW’s Adventure Travel Associate I love travel narratives.  These are a few of my favorite travel books sure to whet your wanderlust. These are not typical guidebooks, they represent well-written travel literature. Travels in a Thin Country by Sara Wheeler Sara travels in a way that I would love to do, but just don’t have the […]

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Healing Lessons from the People of Old Hawai’i

By Linda Ballou, NABBW’s Adventure Travel Associate No matter what your relationship with the person who brought you into this world—be it good, bad, or indifferent—it is always complicated. My mother’s passing left me with my energies low, immune system weakened, and spirits sagging. The Hawaiian Islands have always been a source of solace and […]

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A Perfect Day 1 in Paris: Arrive & Make it Yours

By Dr. Carolee Duckworth, NABBW’s Independent Travel Associate Imagine yourself on a great 5-day trip to Paris. How would you design your days to have the most engaging and captivating experience, while traveling independently and keeping to a budget of under $5000 for two? What will you do with your precious travel time? Why would […]

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Dose of the Wilderness- RX for “Urbanitis”

By Linda Ballou, NABBW’s Adventure Travel Associate Ever want to turn off the city and just run? Urbanitis is a common condition in the City of Angels that causes me to dodge crowds, noise pollution, and the constant insistence of my cell phone. When these symptoms occur, I feel the need for a dose of […]

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Lollygagging at the Olallieberry Inn

By Linda Ballou, NABBW’s Adventure Travel Associate The Olallieberry Inn is located in the East Village of Cambria on the Central Coast of California. This quaint Victorian-style inn nestling on the sunny side of the Santa Rosa Creek offers all the comforts of home, and then some. The Inn, in service for over 40 years, has […]

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Let the Adventure Find You in Puerto Varas, Chile

By Linda Ballou, NABBW’s Adventure Travel Associate NOTE: My sojourn in South America began and ended in Buenos Aires where half the population of Argentina reside. Like most Americans, my knowledge of the geography of South America is a bit fuzzy. The journey took me to less-traveled parts of Argentina and Chile providing an overview […]

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