  Friday - September 20th, 2024

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Unaccustomed to the Good Life

Unaccustomed to the Good Life By Leigh Anne Jasheway NABBW’s Boomer Humor Expert A few months ago, I got invited to speak to a group of women at Canyon Ranch Spa in Tucson, Arizona. Unlike the wealthier women who frequent resorts, women who may have been born with fluffy white robes in their mouths, I […]

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The Power of Journaling – Article 6 (part 1) in a Series

The Power of Journaling – Article 6 (part 1) in a Series By Erica Miner NABBW’s Journaling Expert Greetings, Boomers! Today let’s talk about equipment. No, I’m not getting up close and personal here. I mean journaling equipment, of course. Believe it or not, the tools you choose to use to journal with will have […]

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Now\’s the Time to Be Preparing Your Perennial Beds

Now\’s the Time to be Preparing Your Perennial Beds By Deborah Clark NABBW’s Gardening Expert A Chinese proverb says, “To be happy for a year, get married. To be happy for a lifetime, grow a garden.” Is that a gloomy thought about marriage? Perhaps, though we know the Chinese still do it. But who\’d have […]

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Gangbusters in the Garden

Gangbusters in the Garden By Lisa Byrne, B.S Exercise Sciences  |  Certified Pilates Instructor NABBW’s Boomer Women\’s Fitness Expert Boomers and gardening, they go well together. Too well sometimes. Every year it’s a similar scene: you’re going to get it all done. Today. Well, maybe this weekend. You’ve got fantastic visions of transforming the yard, the […]

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Thrifting Habit Turns Her Into a Collector of “Orphans”

Thrifting Habit Turns Her Into a Collector of “Orphans” By Barb Tobias NABBW’s Thrifting Expert I am the queen of the unwanted; a collector of “orphans.”  Over the years I’ve embraced the flawed, snatched up rejects others passed over, delighted in the blemished and greedily coveted the imperfect and scarred. Like metal to magnets, yard […]

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Welcome Grandbaby!

Welcome Grandbaby! By Regina Leeds, The Zen Organizer NABBW’s Organizational Skills Expert Your baby, your way OK so your baby (or maybe even his baby!) is now an adult having his or her own children.  You want to share your wisdom without coming off as everybody’s meddling nightmare mother-in-law or Grandma Nightmare… What’s a boomer […]

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The Way We Were. How Does that Help Me?

The Way We Were. How Does that Help Me? By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert Do empty nesters and boomers remember the pressures they lived?  A client shared with me that she doesn’t use her past experiences as a tool for her new. What is helpful about looking in the rear view mirror […]

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Starting Over? Four Steps to Be in Love Again

Starting Over? Four Steps to Be in Love Again By Judith Geiger for the NABBW Your relationship has ended and life keeps on moving as if nothing has happened. Your heart knows that is not true but your outer exterior shows no signs of defeat. You think of yourself as a survivor, yet you have […]

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