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Movement Is A Pillar of Self-Care for Ageless Wellness

By Shirley Meerson, CHWC, NABBW’s Associate for the Ageless Wellness Lifestyle

Have you let your self-care habits drop off because your mind is fixed on other important matters?

Are you getting any exercise or doing enough exercise?

Movement is life. And without it – people tend to age harshly. Staying fit is a big key to holistic beauty. Studies show that exercising can actually slow down the aging process!

Now is the time to ignite your fitness. What’s more important than to get moving again? With exercise comes flexibility, strength and confidence in your body.

If you want to stay in good health for the rest of your life, then exercise is mandatory. You may find that the same modes of exercise you once did, don’t appeal to you anymore. This is normal. Also, it could be that your energy levels have changed. So what.

Honor your body’s changes that have occurred through the decades. You can adapt, adjust, and try new ways to get moving. And still have a blast. Exercise provides so many health benefits than you can even think of. Movement is life!

And, what if you don’t like to jog or run anymore? Then don’t run! But be sure to still exercise in some way regularly. You must care for your body just as you care about your business or your home. Make sure to schedule in your exercise time and prioritize this. Go for 30 minutes of exercise a day to live healthier and happier. Try for the 10,000 steps a day.

If you’re past 50, then you know that staying fit is a different scenario than when you were 30. Who cares – get past this mindset. You still need to do all the bases, cardio, stretching, and to lift weights, in some form.

Movement Snacks

Having a block of time to exercise is nice, but it might not happen due to schedules or excuses. So, sneak in some activity throughout the day. Consequently, get moving whenever and wherever you can.

Take the stairs, have hourly computer breaks with walks, and get in plenty of stretching. Break up your day with chores. I love the idea of a movement snack. These tidbits will add up so that you don’t feel so sedentary.

I encourage you to speak with your ageless wellness health coach to discuss aligning your fitness goals to your values. Small steps create big wins over time. Add in systems and accountability and you’re on your way to feeling more vibrant, happier, joyful. I have a useful one-page Activity Diary to get you started. It’s easy, just send me a message request to receive.

 The importance of mobility

Being mobile is a vital aspect of being healthy. Keeping active and using your body will in turn enhance your mood. I know you can find joy in this.

  • My message is to keep moving forward with your body and this will impact your mind.
  • The very idea of movement should be a pleasant one just like a friend to us. We should want to move. Make movement a priority and a foundation of your lifestyle. Strive to move different body parts throughout your day.
  • What do I mean when I say, movement? To move is to go in a specified direction or manner – to change position. It’s a physical activity. The same as exercise is an activity of movement, exertion, and effort.
  • Your motion does not have to be the official exercise we have come to know – unless you prefer that style. Exercise is from modern times. And movement is from ancient times.
  • Movement is life. Just think of how our bodies were designed to move. Get creative.
  • Walk more – take the stairs instead of elevators. You know the drill. Step away from your desk. Put down your mobile, iPad, and laptop. That’s correct. Get up and move. Walk to that errand when you can – instead of taking a car.

You need to take care of your body. There’s no room for negotiation. It’s a must. When you’re in good health, then many positive things in your life cascade from this wellness.  

What does being healthy mean to you?

When was the last time you exercised? You can count walking to the store and back. Why not? I get thousands of enjoyable steps in daily by not driving.

How about trying a hobby that includes movement, such as dancing.

Physical activity can keep you looking and feeling younger and healthier. It can lower your susceptibility to illness and enhance your quality of life.

It doesn’t matter what level of intensity, exercise can improve your physical and mental state. This even includes slower modalities, such as restorative yoga and Tai Chi. The effects of a regular exercise routine are very powerful and add many healing qualities to your health and wellness.

Moving your body brings huge benefits to your mental health. This is no surprise because we know that the mind and body are connected. Exercise encourages all kinds of changes in the brain, including neural growth and reduced inflammation.

When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins, which are neurotransmitters or messengers. These endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, that energizes your spirits and make you feel good. Consequently, you’ll have feelings of calm and well-being.

There are a lot of reasons to keep moving. Kenneth H. Cooper has said: “The reason I exercise is for the quality of life I enjoy.”

Looking for inspiration about including more movement into your lifestyle?

Let’s get you on you the path to living the Ageless Wellness Life too.

Book Your Free Consultation + Lifestyle Assessment Today!   https://www.shirleymeerson.com/contact/

Shirley Meerson is a Certified Health & Wellness Coach (CHWC), Lifestyle Writer, and Natural Healing Educator.  She is also certified in Cognitive Behavior Therapy.  Shirley has dedicated her life to guiding and inspiring others to choose health.  She has a passion for holistic health, stress management, and healing technologies that spans over three decades in 12 countries.

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