  Monday - September 16th, 2024

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Why Don\’t More Parents Talk About Empty Nest?

Why Don\’t More Parents Talk About Empty Nest? By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert This weekend kids are packing up and heading to college. Parents are shocked at the gut pain they are feeling, hugging goodbye. The “ugly cry” visits them at unpredictable times, like while marketing. Goodbye drops them into the reality […]

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Saying Goodbye to Your College Bound Kids

Saying Goodbye to Your College Bound Kids By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert In our parent group, I suggested each share what they will miss and what they look forward to when they aren\’t parents every day. I suggested they remember to allow different parts of them to speak, the confident one, the […]

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Can You See The Bigger Picture?

Can You See The Bigger Picture? By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert Parents are on the countdown to goodbyes. When you are going through a transition, it helps to focus on the grander image of why you are choosing what you are choosing. 1. Do you need more energy?2. Is it time to […]

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Father\’s Day

Father\’s Day By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert None of these photos are my dad. They are my dad\’s imaginary best friends. I loved seeing him, just home from a match, club bag on arm and clicking sounding shoes, coming across the floor. Not his profession, his weekend obsession. If he wasn\’t in […]

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The Beauty of Our Wounds

As a baby boomer woman, you probably have endured many joys and challenges during your life’s journey. A dear friend of mine, Carrie E. Pierce opens her heart and shares her story of a loving relationship that ended abruptly and how she was able to heal herself by seeing the beauty of her wounds. ‘The […]

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Five Fun Free Activities to do at Grandma’s House

Five Fun Free Activities to do at Grandma’s House By Debra L. Karplus, MS, OTR/L, for GRAND Magazine NABBW’s Grandparenting Expert You have fond memories of the alone time you spent with your grandparents. Now that you are a grandparent, you know that one of life’s greatest joys is to have to the little ones […]

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Have You Had To Speak Up In A Difficult Situation?

Have You Had To Speak Up In A Difficult Situation? By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert Did you speak up or let it be? A woman I worked with didn\’t think it was ok for her to share with her kids that she wanted what she wanted, which was to make her own […]

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Leaving Behind What Was

Leaving Behind What Was By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert A teacher shared with me years ago, “Confusion is great.” I frowned because that made no sense. Now it does. Confusion takes you out of routine and what you believe to be true. It is a choice to bring up courage and trust. […]

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Silence Your Inner Critic . . . One Day at a Time

Silence Your Inner Critic . . . One Day at a Time By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert You\’re bored. You get in your car. You\’re not sure where you want to go. You go to the same old places and do the same old things. You say to yourself, “nothing ever changes”. […]

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