  Saturday - July 27th, 2024

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The New Retirement

Where Do the Retirement Gurus “Retire?”

By Jan Cullinane and John Brady for the NABBW Most of us know that one size cannot fit all when it comes to choosing our best place to retire. Just look at the tons of books, magazine articles and websites that try to answer that very question. Your authors, Jan Cullinane, and John Brady decided […]

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Change How You Think About Exercise: Change Your Life

By Jan Cullinane NABBW’s Expert on The New Retirement I confess: In the secret recesses of my mind, I believe I’m immortal.  I don’t think I’ll ever succumb to heart disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis, or any of the lifestyle-related diseases that bedevil so many of us.  And, I like to eat junk food.  Not all the […]

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All the Single Ladies

All the Single Ladies By Jan Cullinane NABBW’s Expert on The New Retirement Did you know that there are more than 25 million single women over the age of 45 in the United States, and that this demographic is growing? And, even if you\’re a happily married woman now, there\’s an 80-90% chance you\’ll be […]

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Katie Holmes and her “First Love”: No Big Surprise

Katie Holmes and her “First Love”: No Big Surprise By Jan Cullinane NABBW’s Expert on The New Retirement It\’s been hard to avoid the recent frenzy over the news that Katie Holmes has reunited with her self-proclaimed “first love” Joshua Jackson, her Dawson\’s Creek co-star. Guess what? When you look at the research of Dr. […]

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Walk this Way

Walk this Way By Jan Cullinane NABBW’s Expert on The New Retirement We\’re not talking about the Aerosmith song, we\’re talking about pole walking. Walking is the most popular exercise, and for people who can\’t or don\’t want to play tennis, jog, or exercise in more strenuous ways, or those with knee, back, or other […]

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Make Resolutions Stick

Make Resolutions Stick By Jan Cullinane NABBW’s Expert on The New Retirement FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE – HAPPY NEW YEAR! How many of us, when that ball is dropping, vow we will eat healthier/exercise more/be nicer/stop smoking/read more…you know the drill. There are a few ways to improve the chances that we\’ll keep our […]

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Five Fabulous Functional Foods

Five Fabulous Functional Foods By Jan Cullinane NABBW’s Expert on The New Retirement We know we have to eat to live – food provides the building blocks to grow and repair our bodies, and we need food to produce energy to run vital processes. Beyond those basic needs, though, is the concept of “functional foods” […]

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The Sweet Truth about Dark Chocolate

The Sweet Truth about Dark Chocolate By Jan Cullinane NABBW’s Expert on The New Retirement What’s been around for 2,000 years, is nicknamed “the food of the gods,” and helps our aging mind and bodies stave off some of the consequences of growing older?  Dark chocolate. Let’s look at some of the research: Older adults […]

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Batter Up and the Power of Facebook

Batter Up and the Power of Facebook By Jan Cullinane NABBW’s Expert on The New Retirement Many people look forward to retirement as a way to deepen or renew old connections. I want to share a short short story about how that recently happened to me. The first several years after graduating from college, I […]

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