  Friday - September 20th, 2024

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Santa Barbara: My Favorite Getaway from Los Angeles

By Linda Ballou NABBW’s Adventure Travel Associate Cruise up Highway 101 overlooking sweeps of white sand beach framing brilliant blue on a sun-filled California day to Santa Barbara. Take Mission Canyon Road inland to the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. Stroll miles of garden paths that meander through meadows of wildflowers, other worldly succulents, and deep […]

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Don’t Let Your Family’s Unfounded Safety Fears Stop You From Traveling. (Especially If Your Desire Is to Get Away For the Holidays But They’d Rather Eat Turkey At Your House!)

By Phyllis Stoller NABBW’s Associate for Group Travel Everyone of us has, at some time in our lives, been “stifled/strong-armed” from doing something we love and thoroughly enjoy, by well-meaning family members who cite safety concerns. I recognized this recently, after I fell down 15 stairs in my beloved old house, which has steep, painted […]

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In Which Leanne Explains How She Ended Up in a Field With 50 Other (Younger) Women, Muddy, Naked & (Somewhat) Unafraid

By Leigh Anne Jasheway NABBW’s Boomer Humor Associate     Note: This article is republished with permission from Leigh Anne Jasheway\’s blog.  When I signed up for a nude group photo with 100 women, I did so for a few reasons: the photographer is amazing; the women’s empowerment message of the shoot is something I […]

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Annie Coburn Knows What it Takes to Experience Fab Senior Travel ~~ And She’s Delighted to Share Her Tips with You

By Linda Ballou NABBW’s Adventure Travel Associate Today I’d like you to meet Annie Coburn, a vivacious, energetic woman who can’t stop traveling. (That’s her looking cool beside her motorcycle over to the left.) An accomplished videographer, she adds sparkle to her content in her newsletter Fab Senior Travel with videos providing insider tidbits for […]

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Aging Boomers: Is 50 Really the New 30?

By Meryl Ain For the NABBW The weeklong celebration of Hoda Kotb’s 50th birthday on the Today Show culminated with a congratulatory video message from First Lady Michelle Obama to a surprised and delighted Hoda. Throughout the week, 50 was celebrated as glamorous, sexy and a time for reinvention. This is all true, and I […]

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Date Me, Date My Dog: Finding Mr. Right for You and Your Pack

Date Me, Date My Dog: Finding Mr. Right for You and Your Pack By: Leigh Anne Jasheway Kindle Nook Reviewed for the NABBW by Anne Holmes I’ve always felt that introducing my pets – or my human children – to any people I’d either recently met — or even worked with — was a perfect […]

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