Shirley Meerson Shares 5 Quick Tips To Relax and Comfort Your Body
By Shirley Meerson, CHWC ~ NABBW’s Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Associate
Learn to relax with these 5 quick tips to comfort your body and then your mind will take the pressure off and allow you to relax. It’s so very important to take good care of your mental wellness and physical stress.
Comfort is defined as a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint.
Your body wants you to be healthy. Unfortunately, there has been too many times when you’re feeling overcome with stress. And this mental discomfort leads to physical discomfort.
I’m suggesting that you start to relax by comforting your body:
Follow one these de-stressing techniques – they’re listed in no particular order. Some things will work better than others depending on many factors.
1. Lie down and rest

Never underestimate the importance of sleep – and naps
2. Eat something healthy

Colorful foods for stress reduction
3. Learn to massage your own neck. Use this link to for information on how to do this effectively.

Neck pain? You can massage it away
4. Visualize a peaceful image

Imagine yourself strolling down this peaceful path.
5. Take a shower

There’s just something totally peaceful and relaxing about taking a nice warm shower.
You’ll find yourself feeling lighter and calmer to continue on ahead. For more information on the benefits of calming yourself, check out this article on my website.
You’re also invited to schedule your personalized health habits and wellness lifestyle appointment with me – your Ageless Wellness Lifestyle Mentor
Contact now for a lifestyle habits upgrade – you’ll get the best mentoring and support 😀 on your journey.