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Get Real and Get Moving… Now!

Get Real and Get Moving… Now!

By Lisa Byrne, B.S Exercise Sciences | Certified Pilates Instructor
NABBW’s Boomer Women\’s Fitness Expert

When the New York Times showcases a health and fitness article I like to skim the comments. No matter how brilliant, mind changing, eye opening or informational the article seems, comments tell the real story. If you listen
to the feedback, you hear the people.

I\’ve noticed that many an author falls short in relating their \’breaking story\’ to regular folk. Not high performance athletes. Not those already fit. And certainly not the 30 something, cutsie gym rat.

Here\’s a comment that speaks volumes of a whole band of readers:

“Why doesn\’t someone get realistic and show exercises for the rest of us, not for people who are already in good shape. Most of us, I suspect, are middle aged weekend warriors not trying to break records, but just hoping to get off the couch,
stay in shape and not end up on crutches. Can you tell I\’m ready to scream with frustration?”

Yes, I can tell. Can you?

In the 24 years I have been in the fitness industry, 3 reasons for not exercising show up consistently. Everyone has distinctive expressions, but the common thread breaks down to these 3 reasons why folks don\’t exercise:

1. No time.
2. Don\’t know what to do.
3. Exercise is boring.

Even me madre, who was my early influence in fitness, claims she doesn\’t know what to do now that her knees keep her from running. Running was her passion. Walking is next best. Looking at that pair of 5 lb. weights in the corner causes her confusion.

What to do?

Here\’s an option that will eliminate your excuses of no time, not sure, and boring exercise.

I\’ve provided 2 essential pieces. A video and an accompanying document that tells and shows you exactly what to do. You won\’t even have a chance to get bored with these moves.

First, print the document.

Then with that in front of you, watch the video.

It\’s the best way to learn the moves.

Be patient with the moves.

One huge advantage of this blended choice is that they are whole body. Whole body exercise doesn\’t isolate one muscle group. It integrates several groups and enables all of you to SHOW UP!

That\’s where the \’boring\’ is eliminated.

We don\’t move in this world in isolation right? I mean doing a bicep curl or lat pull isn\’t going to help you weed and plant in the garden.

BUT, if you train your body to see a mixture of moves that can naturally blend together, then you give yourself the best opportunity to move like you want, when you want.

Here it is.

Download the document here.

Then watch the video.


Move like nobody\’s business!

Lisa Byrne is the owner and chief creative officer at Pilates for Sport, LLC in Bucks County, Pa. She has her B.S in Exercise Physiology and is a Certified Pilates Instructor. Lisa has operated her fully equipped Pilates studio since 1999 and has been in the Health and Fitness Industry for 23 years. The studio space is home to private sessions, small group training, and the outdoor circuit buffet, sure to get anyone grooving. Visitors to the movement studio span the range and include average Boomers looking for diversity; young people with Asperger’s-Autism; hard core athletes looking to ‘loosen up’; and those in need of chronic pain management through movement. Learn more about Lisa on her site, Move More Today.

Lisa Byrne Certified Pilates Instructor

Lisa Byrne is the owner and chief creative officer at Pilates for Sport, LLC in Bucks County, Pa. She has her B.S in Exercise Physiology and is a Certified Pilates Instructor. Lisa has operated her fully equipped Pilates studio since 1999 and has been in the Health and Fitness Industry for 23 years. The studio space is home to private sessions, small group training, and the outdoor circuit buffet, sure to get anyone grooving. Visitors to the movement studio span the range and include average Boomers looking for diversity; young people with Asperger's-Autism; hard core athletes looking to ‘loosen up'; and those in need of chronic pain management through movement.

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