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Family & Relationships

Check Out These Additional Subcategories Under Family & Relationships

Never Give Up

No matter what is going on Never Give up Develop the heart Too much energy in your country Is spent developing the mind Instead of the heart Be compassionate Not just to your friends but to everyone Be compassionate Work for peace in your heart and in the world Work for peace and I Say […]

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Challenges, Change, and New Life

Fundamental to all life on the planet . . . is the fact that we\’re all different from each other. And yet what do most people do when they encounter those differences? They either change themselves “to fit in” or they try to change the other person. Here\’s why . . . When you want […]

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Help! My grandchild is using drugs!

By Susie Vanderlip for GRAND Magazine I remember when I was in eighth grade, spin the bottle was about as racy as life got. Most of my friends were having harmless flirtations and first boy­friends. No one I knew drank regularly on the weekend; no girls were providing gratuitous oral sex to the boys; no […]

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Good Times for Empty Nesters

I have received emails from parents saying, “I can\’t believe it. I am having fun in my empty nest.” Sure their face brightens when the children call or come to visit. A father said to a friend when they were waiting in line for the movies, “Watch her face (referring to the mother in line) […]

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Stepping Out Beyond

When you think of people who are living a fabulous life who comes to mind? Bill Gates? Meryl Streep? Some prince, princess, or high dignitary? Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and he is deeply involved in helping people around the world. That\’s not only fabulous, that\’s almost fabled. But if you […]

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Empty Nesters Clip Clopping Along with Love

When our precious ones were younger, we were dashing. Now they are still precious, but we aren\’t dashing towards them. Love, what is it you are dashing towards and what is ok for you to simply sit and ponder? My empty nester friends, who are single, want to sleep through the day and night of […]

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Calling all kids: Lights, camera, action!

Acting and film-making schools can give your grandchild poise and confidencey By Mary Ann Cooper for GRAND Magazine You may be a proud grand who thinks your grandchild “oughta be in pictures,” because you see that same teen or preteen flourishing in the spotlight. If so, you might think about enrolling your grandchild in acting […]

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2008 Empty Nesters Open the Window

Welcome to a new year. Women are searching for new meaning now that their parental roles are changing. What do you need? What are your gifts? What are you waving goodbye to? “Be not afraid of greatness; some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.” –William Shakespeare What does […]

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Dream Big, Dream With Love

The celebration of the New Year is the oldest of all continuing holidays. It was observed 4000 years ago by the ancient Babylonians and has continued, with only minor interruptions, into modern times. Anything with a history that long and enduring clearly has deep significance for the human psyche. Perhaps it\’s simply a celebration of […]

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