  Thursday - September 19th, 2024

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Agree to These 4 For Fitness Success

Agree to These 4 For Fitness Success By Lisa Byrne, B.S Exercise Sciences  |  Certified Pilates Instructor NABBW’s Boomer Women\’s Fitness Expert Personally, I am so tired of hearing  fitness trainers blah-blah-blah’ing the same message over and over: Write a clear plan of what you want to achieve. Commit to it. Change your attitude about […]

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Your New Year’s Laughter Resolutions

Your New Year’s Laughter Resolutions By Leigh Anne Jasheway NABBW’s Boomer Humor Expert If you’ve been reading this column, you know that American women laugh a little more than 25% more than men. This sounds good – especially considering all the positive physical and emotional benefits laughter brings – but since we women also tend […]

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Perfect Vegetable Gardens

Perfect Vegetable Gardens By Deborah Clark NABBW’s Gardening Expert The dead of winter is one of the best gardening months. In fact, each winter, I create the perfect vegetable garden with rows of lush lettuce greens, bountiful bean bushes, tomato branches heavy with shiny fruit. And because these gardens have no squash borers, cabbage worms […]

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How to Make 2011 a New Year

How to Make 2011 a New Year By Regina Leeds NABBW’s Organizational Skills Expert Here are some important steps to get you organized for the year ahead. Start with Work It\’s always important to have an organized workspace.  But now with downsizing and job loss spreading throughout the work sector like a fever, being organized […]

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Boomers and Empty Nesters 2011, Now What?

Boomers and Empty Nesters 2011, Now What? By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Empty Nest Expert I love new beginnings but Baby Boomers and Empty Nesters have expressed to me they worry as they enter the NEW. Worry is just one color, one sound, in a full orchestra of a self. Who hasn\’t felt worried and […]

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Get Ready for Good Times-Part I

Get Ready for Good Times-Part I By Linda Ballou NABBW’s Adventure Travel Expert Soft adventure is the fastest growing segment of the travel industry.  People want to get outdoors, breathe fresh air and rid themselves of city stress.  But, do they have the stamina, and energy to withstand the rigors of sleeping in a tent, […]

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Is Fear of Rejection a Motivator or Hindrance in Your Job Search?

Is Fear of Rejection a Motivator or Hindrance in Your Job Search? By Dumont Gerken Owen, Ph.D. NABBW’s Women and Work Expert The job search has been described as a series of “no’s” followed by a “yes”.  In other words, rejection is an inevitable part of every job search.  It’s your response to rejection that […]

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Five Promises to Yourself for 2011

Five Promises to Yourself for 2011 By Julie Hall for the NABBW Happy New Year! These days, it appears increasingly difficult to stay on the level emotionally. So much comes at us that it\’s depressing to just turn on the TV. To combat this heaviness that many feel, I have five suggestions to make us […]

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Free Fall

Free Fall By Marilyn Slaby One of our boomer neighbors took a spill early this fall.  He was hurrying down the street and looking at his cell phone as he walked.  He stepped off the curb and went face-down in the street where he lay for 30 minutes until someone saw him.  He jammed the […]

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