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Book Marketing Tip: Make sure that people can find your book on Amazon.com

Book Marketing Power Tip: Book Marketing Tip: Make sure that people can find your book on Amazon.com

By Ronda Del Boccio
NABBW’s Entrepreneurial Authoring Expert

Recently, a friend of mine published her book on Amazon. I was so excited for her! I was ready to look up her book on Amazon and tell my contacts about her book.

There was just one problem. I couldn\’t find her book.

She told me that her book would be up by a certain date, and I was looking for a full week. Finally, I sent her an instant message and said we were sure book? I thought it was up.

She said, quote, it\’s up already. It\’s been up for a week.”

Finally, I had to ask her to send me the direct link over to the book because no matter what I tried, I could not find it. I tried the title. I tried her name. I tried several keyword phrases that I thought would be something a customer of the book would naturally search for.

But nothing.

Once I finally got the book link, I had to save it so that I would be able to find the book again. Where did she go wrong?

There are several very common mistakes that independently publishing authors make when putting their book up on Amazon.

1. The wrong category.
2. No keyword phrases.
3. No customer tags.
4. Authors name and name on book cover do not match.

5. No reviews.
6. No customer discussions.

These two tutorial videos will show you how to make sure that people can find your book on Amazon. I will show you the struggles I went through with this particular book. Both of the videos are about four minutes each.

Make Your Book Findable Part 1

Make Your Book Findable Part 2

Now, I want you to see the difference when at least some of these things are put into place. It made a huge difference. Now, by putting in the phrase quote sacred breathing” I was able to find the book on the first try, and it was the very first listing.

The Results Video

What changed these results?

The author had her name on the book and her name on Amazon match.

I put in customer tags for the book, and after a couple of days, Amazon was able to locate the book much more easily.

The author wrote a more robust description. While it is still short, it is much better than one sentence. This means that somebody who is not familiar with the book is more likely to be able to understand its benefit and value in their life.

Receive inspirational thoughts, quotes, stories & more at http://ProfitableStorytelling.com/inspirationalstories. #1 bestselling author Ronda Del Boccio is known globally as The Story lady because she teaches you to create the best ever: The story of YOU living with passion, love, joy and purpose. She is legally blind but never lets that get in her way! Do you want to write a book? The free 30 day Awakened Author challenge guides you step-by-step through how to write a book, get it published, and sell at least your first copy all within 30 days! Tutorials guide you along the way, and there is a community where you can interact with other participants in the challenge and celebrate the success of your book when it is published. Join free now at www.profitablestorytelling.com/NABBW

Ronda Del Boccio Author, Entreprenuer Authoring Expert

Known globally as The Story Lady Ronda teaches entrepreneurs, speakers, coaches, business owners and visionaries how to connect with your ideal clients through the power of sharing your story and becoming an author. Her simple system for how to write a book that explodes your business is receiving international acclaim. Receive your 10-lesson multimedia mini-course on how to write a profitable book at <a href="http://ProfitableStorytelling.com/writeabook.htm"

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