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Gramps Jeffrey Ponders Our Nation’s Opioid Overdose Epidemic and the Proliferation of Homeless Baby Boomers, Wonders Why We Can’t Do More

Guest post by Gramps Jeffrey, author of “I Don’t Want to Turn 3” For years, we Baby Boomers have viewed ourselves as the best generation our great country has ever seen. Prior to President Biden, who is a member of the Silent Generation (born 1925 to 1945), we Boomers (born 1946 to 1964) have actually run […]

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Mark 10/23/20 on Your Calendar Now: You’re Specially Invited to “Zoom In” On Ways You Can Fight Agism, As Pro-Aging Guru Ashton Applewhite Is Interviewed By DefyingGravity.life Founders Via Webinar

Here Are the Key Event Details: “Aging While Female–Reimagined,” A Zoom Webinar provided by DefyingGravity.life Featuring Pro-Aging Author and Activist Ashton Applewhite Friday, October 23, 2020, 12:00 pm EST From childhood on, we’re barraged by messages that it’s sad to be old. That wrinkles are embarrassing, and old people incompetent. Author and activist Ashton Applewhite believed […]

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The Joys of Boomerdom

The Joys of Boomerdom By Tracey Barnes Priestly One of the surprising benefits to being a Boomer is looking forward to the end of summer. You read that correctly. While many people are turning their attention to the demands of another school year, we are celebrating! Why? This is the time of year for our […]

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Intangible Gifts Bring Joy This Holiday Season

Intangible Gifts Bring Joy This Holiday Season By Julie Hall As an expert in personal property, my days are filled with visiting estates, consulting with my clients, and ascertaining what has value versus what does not. I help Boomer children make sound estate decisions after mom and dad have passed on. Also, I work closely […]

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Mid-Life Rehab

Fifty, an age blessed with knowledge, but burdened with the collection of good and bad experiences, is simultaneously a powerful, yet fragile age. Some accumulated trauma goes so deep it is a part of our physiology, affecting what we do and how we feel. The fast darting of cars can rekindle the horror of a […]

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Michael Jackson\’s Children a Year after His Death

This week marks a year since Michael Jackson died. After his untimely death, a major focus was the future of his children, Prince, Paris and \’Blanket.\’ According to Jackson\’s will, his mother was to raise them – and the judge granted her permanent custody. All the while, pundits were busy predicting who would really take […]

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.