  Friday - October 18th, 2024

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Family & Relationships

Check Out These Additional Subcategories Under Family & Relationships

Do You Know What You Want to Do?

Empty Nesters, women and men who have been in a career for decades, stay at home moms, parents retiring, college grads and people returning from service, are all asked, what do you want to do now? Are you asking yourself that question? Have you come up with some ideas but … I know what it […]

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Real Romance On A Pillow

When you are open to real romance as an every day part of your love life, often, what seems to be insignificant on first blush, takes on powerful meaning for both of you. Imagine it\’s early morning, and you have time to snuggle and cuddle with the one you love. (We write this from the […]

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What Matters Most, Empty Nesters?

For six years I have been speaking with parents across the country about the challenges of being an empty nester, including the revolving door. I know we get sick of the word change and still that is inevitable. Books, articles, media, all say just do it, get on board for change now. Parents are asked […]

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Friends in the Empty Nest

Did you think you would have your best friend or good circle of friends by this stage of your life? You might think, yes, and I do, but I will share with you that I have been speaking with mothers across the country who are ready for new friendships. How to be Your Own Best […]

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Suffering From Negative Head-Talk?

Nearly everyone does battle with that pesky voice of self-judgment and sabotaging put-downs that chatters away in our heads. And, in response to a recent teleseminar we gave titled “The Fear of Being Fabulous” we received a request from a participant who said: “I would love to hear how you remove the head talk that […]

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Empty Nesters, Are You Prepared?

I\’m not an optimist, because I don\’t believe everything will turn out well. I\’m not a pessimist, because I don\’t believe everything will turn out badly. But I do keep hope in my heart because it is the antidote to cynicism, apathy and hopelessness. Vaclav Havel Winter season asks us to prepare our homes, closets, […]

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Do you feel it?

Over the past few months, I\’ve been feeling movement…have you? Like the first time a pregnant woman feels her baby move inside her, it is that dramatic realization that indeed a new life has begun and is making itself felt in a very tangible way. The world has been trying to get pregnant with renewed […]

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Dream Big, Dream With Love

The celebration of the New Year is the oldest of all continuing holidays. It was observed 4000 years ago by the ancient Babylonians and has continued, with only minor interruptions, into modern times. Anything with a history that long and enduring clearly has deep significance for the human psyche. Perhaps it\’s simply a celebration of […]

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How Empty Nesters Change

“If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher.” Pema Chodron I don\’t want to live isolated but people drive me crazy with saying they will change and they don\’t. This is what I hear from empty nesters and they go on to explain. Crazy […]

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The Gift of Receiving

You\’re busy checking off the items on your to-do list. Most of the gifts have been wrapped. And the holiday cards made it to the post office this morning. Oh, but you forgot about your daughter\’s teacher! And what to take to the Smith\’s annual Christmas Eve get together? And then the cookies for the […]

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