  Thursday - September 19th, 2024

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Articles by: Former Associates


God grant me the serenity… Everyone is familiar with the Serenity Prayer written by Reinhold Neibuhr, or at least the first stanza which reads: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. When I recite the first three […]

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“Practicing What I Preach.”

…by Julie Clark Robinson “”I need some distraction, oh beautiful release. Memory seeps from my veins . . . let me be empty and weightless and maybe I\’ll find some peace tonight.” –Sarah McLachlan I\’m the one with all the so-called answers about creating joy for every day – even the shitty ones. I\’m what […]

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Letting Go – Is it giving up or getting more? A large part of my practice over the past 16 years as a psychologist with the nation\’s largest HMO has been working with women in their midlife years-which I have chosen to define as anything between forty and death! In earlier columns I have described […]

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How to Avoid Marketing Overwhelm

…by Suzanne Falter Barnes OK, who\’s hitting the Ben & Jerry\’s because they can\’t somehow get all their marketing tasks done? (That would be me.) BUT … I finally rose and said ‘no\’ to the angst. Here are some ways I\’ve developed to tackle the creeping overwhelm: 1. Realize you don\’t have to do it […]

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Seeing Ourselves With Kind Eyes

…by Prill Boyle Most of us are our own worst critics. Why is that? I started thinking about this a few years ago when a friend confided to me that he didn\’t think he was particularly successful This man is a partner at a large law firm and on the board of several civic and […]

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The Simple Secret to Creating an Extraordinary Business

…by Suzanne Falter Barnes No, this isn\’t an essay about turbo goal setting, keyword optimization, or high pressure sales tactics. It\’s actually about harnessing the power of love to build your business. Yep, you read that right. Love. That\’s all it takes to build the business of your dreams. Now before you dismiss me as […]

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“It\’s Not a Mood, It\’s Your Life.”

…by Julie Clark Robinson             You did it! You\’ve given yourself a break. You\’re reading – what\’s more, you\’re reading something that\’s not a To Do list, a bill, ingredients or the fine print on the back of a speeding ticket. Well done. (I\’m giving you the benefit of the doubt here – I\’m assuming […]

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Why Not Improvise?

…by Prill Boyle When life veers from the script, why not improvise? That\’s what sixty-year old Keni Washington did. Literally. I first met Washington in October of 2003 on a United Airlines flight from Indianapolis to San Francisco. Wearing a black turtleneck and carrying a tenor sax, he stood out from the throng of business […]

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What The Scale Misses

…by Mary Pearsall At one time or another, you have almost certainly stepped on a scale to check your body weight. But relying on the scale to tell you if you\’re at a healthy body weight can be frustrating. Understanding what the scale does and does not tell you will help you keep the scale\’s […]

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