  Monday - September 16th, 2024

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Articles by: Former Associates

Mind Over Muscle

…by Mary Pearsall There has been a lot of “buzz” in the exercise world in the last few years about the mind body connection in workout routines. It can seem a bit mysterious, complex or even downright quacky to some. Not to worry, it is really very straightforward. “Mind – body” very simply means that […]

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How to Market Your Business While You Sleep; Ten Foolproof Systems

…by Suzanne Falter Barnes For many Net marketers, marketing is a love-hate relationship. We love the traffic and sales that a good push brings … but we have to force ourselves to do it. So lately, I\’ve been looking for systems anyone can implement that get the job done while you\’re pursuing other interests. The […]

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The Joy of Aging

…by Prill Boyle It\’s hard to tell whether Nora Ephron, the wonderfully witty author of I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman, is being serious when she declares: “This insistence on the joy of aging…is all garbage.” But if she is, I couldn\’t disagree more. While growing old has […]

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Facing the diagnosis. I have discovered that most serious, chronic, or even life-threatening illnesses are rarely anticipated even when there is a family history that may indicate a genetic predisposition for that illness. Women who are overly attentive to their bodies and visit their doctors too often (i.e., suffer from hypochondriasis) are as equally shocked […]

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Fat is Your Friend

…by Mary Pearsall Are you thoroughly and utterly confused about the different types of fat – what you should avoid and what you should include in your diet? Join the club! Recent research on the health advantages and disadvantages of various fats and oils has left the majority of us confused about what to take […]

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Words Aren\’t Enough

…by Julie Clark Robinson         Usually I can write my way out of any kind of emotional burden. I\’ve learned that when my chest is heavy, if I just give myself enough time at the keyboard, the problem invariably ends up on the paper in front of me – not stuck in a knot in […]

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Saying Yes

…by Prill Boyle This has been my “year of yes.” I said yes to Africa when my Peace Corps friend invited me, yes to Amsterdam when my husband asked, and even yes to speech-giving lessons when a woman I met at a party offered them. After years of practicing saying no, I\’m loving saying yes. […]

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Is Singleness a Blessing or a Curse? I think many single women looking at the title of this month\’s column are likely to take exception to the thought that being single is a gift. Unless, of course, they have just extricated themselves from an abusive situation; in which case, they are breathing a momentary sigh […]

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Finding Purpose: The Five P\’s

…by Prill Boyle We are born to dream. Think about it. Where would we be, who would we be, without our dreams? Most of the great inventions of the world, much of the forward movement of human civilization, have been fueled by dreams. So it should come as no surprise that for many of us, […]

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How to Write a Bio That Attracts the Media … and More!

…by Suzanne Falter Barnes 1. Stack the facts up front. Begin with your most impressive facts. “Mary Louise Green is a nationally known painter whose work has appeared in numerous major gallery exhibits.” (Mary Louise has, in fact, only shown in four galleries, but they were in different parts of the US, so that counts […]

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