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Trina O’Quinn is back after knee replacement surgery – sharing a big idea and looking for your stories…

Hello! After along unanticipated break, I am back to posting my blogs on NABBW and BabyBoomer.org. My recent hiatus, not by my own choice, has come to an end, finally. The past 10 months have been a …Hello! After along u…Hello! After along unanticipated break, I am back to posting my blogs on NABBW and BabyBoomer.org. My recent hiatus, not by my own choice, has come to an end, finally. The past 10 months have been a whirlwind for me. Ups and downs, for sure, along with finding some joy in the ride. It all began last July when I went to New York City to visit a friend. There were storms along the way. That meant I ended up sitting in both the LA and Boston airports for a total of 5 hours due to grounded connecting flights. What should have been a 5-hour flight took 10 hours. Needless to say, I started my visit…

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Needle Work, Quilting and the First Aspect of Joy

By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW How does needlework and quilting bring me Joy? In several ways: Tactiley -- the feel of the cloth and thread in my hand and fingers brings me a sense of calm. …By Trina O'Quinn for…By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW How does needlework and quilting bring me Joy? In several ways: Tactiley -- the feel of the cloth and thread in my hand and fingers brings me a sense of calm. Audibly -- the sound of the pop of the cloth as the needle pierces the material from the other side. Audibly --the sound of the swish of the thread as it is pulled through to the top side of the piece where the picture is being created. Visually -- watching the different stitches build the picture. These small steps are a process of creation that brings me great joy. When I quiet my mind…

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NABBW Member Tammy Hader Explains Why She Pivoted to “The Path Not Taken” in Order to Leave a Meaningful Legacy

By Tammy Hader for the NABBW After 30 years of defining myself as an accountant and developing an adequately successful career, I decided to retire and explore a different path. This task sounds simp…By Tammy Hader for t…By Tammy Hader for the NABBW After 30 years of defining myself as an accountant and developing an adequately successful career, I decided to retire and explore a different path. This task sounds simple on paper, but translation to reality is anything but simple. I realized I had to answer several questions for myself, including: Where do I want to venture from here? What would be stimulating and fulfilling for the second half of my existence? How can I make a difference in the world, leave a mark after I am gone? When you start thinking about it, you realize these are tough q…

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Book Review: My Reaction to Peter Attia MD’s new book, “Outlive”

Title: Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity Author:  Peter Attia, MD (author, audiobook narrator) with Bill Gifford (author) Reviewed for BabyBoomer.org by Gregory Damian   I start…Title: Outlive: The …Title: Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity Author:  Peter Attia, MD (author, audiobook narrator) with Bill Gifford (author) Reviewed for BabyBoomer.org by Gregory Damian   I started listening to Peter Attia MD's "The Drive" podcast in December of 2021. At first I was skeptical of some of Dr Attia's thoughts and positions. I assumed he was a standard medicine 2.0 doctor. Medicine 2.0 is the term that Peter, himself, uses for the current state of health care, or more properly labeled "disease care." I was quickly convinced that his approaches were much more holistic and tho…

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Trina O’Quinn Reflects on Her New Personal Zen, the Art of Needlework, And Explains the Concept of Product vs. Process

By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW One of the gifts of my retirement has been my resumption of needlework -- specifically embroidery and quilting. Since I fully retired in November of 2019, I …By Trina O'Quinn for…By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW One of the gifts of my retirement has been my resumption of needlework -- specifically embroidery and quilting. Since I fully retired in November of 2019, I have embroidered, quilted, or both, daily. Before Covid, I made two baby quilts for my young grandson (now 6 years old) and young granddaughter (now 3). As I sat embroidering the first quilt square in a new quilt for my middle granddaughter (now 22) I realized that something had changed in my time spent with stitching. I found myself asking  why and how hand embroidery and hand quilting h…

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In Which Trina Further Discusses Her Year of Joy And What She’s Learned So Far…

By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW I ended my last blog stating that I was going to use the following prompts to set my year of Joy. I hope that they helped you in January and February as they have me. …By Trina O'Quinn for…By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW I ended my last blog stating that I was going to use the following prompts to set my year of Joy. I hope that they helped you in January and February as they have me. Prompt #1: “What are you most proud of from 2022? Both my daughter (56 years old) and I were with my mother when she took her last breath here on earth. When I put her in the hospital in late December 2021, I was afraid that she would die alone before my daughter and eldest granddaughter (25) would be able to get to California from Washington State. They made it and were able to spend s…

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In the Year 2023, Trina Is Deliberately Choosing Joy vs. Happiness. What’s the Difference, You Ask? Check Out Her Answer Here

By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW I spoke often about grief and loss in 2022. I also covered journaling and the different types of journaling as the way I chose to listen to my inner self. I used it to …By Trina O'Quinn for…By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW I spoke often about grief and loss in 2022. I also covered journaling and the different types of journaling as the way I chose to listen to my inner self. I used it to figure out what was bothering me and what to do about it. This year I will continue to use my journal for that purpose, while adding gratitude and joy as this year’s focus. Why did I choose gratitude? I chose it because it is my pathway to joy. Joy is going to be my word of the year. For me, the year 2022 was one of deep loss. January 2, 2022, I was with my mother when she passed, and my…

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In Which Trina Shares the Structured Journaling Exercise She Uses for Coping with a ‘Dyslexic Spin’

By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW In my last post I explained how an ordinary course of events - like traveling and not immediately being able to find something - can create much anxiety, even a p…By Trina O'Quinn for…By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW In my last post I explained how an ordinary course of events - like traveling and not immediately being able to find something - can create much anxiety, even a panic attack – actually, a "Dyslexic Spin," is how I label it.  It is part of my lifelong learning disability, with which I’ve learned to cope over the years. Journal writing is one effective tool in this process of coping. In my earlier discussions of journaling technique, I have been promoting unstructured, or free form, journaling. When using this type of journaling, I write what ever co…

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Trina O’Quinn Explains What She Calls “Dyslexic Spin” And How She’s Coping With It

By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW   Recently, my husband and I were on our first vacation together in 3 years. COVID and my mother’s heart condition had kept us from traveling anywhere, especially t…By Trina O'Quinn for…By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW   Recently, my husband and I were on our first vacation together in 3 years. COVID and my mother’s heart condition had kept us from traveling anywhere, especially together. So we started planning to go through  Portland, Oregon to Sammamish, Washington, in the Seattle area,  to stay with our son and his family,  and visit with our daughter and hers. Our eldest granddaughter was having a two year wedding anniversary party, which included a vow renewal and a weekend bash over the 4th of July weekend.    I was extremely excited. It was going to b…

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If You’ve Been Wondering ‘Who Will Take Care of Me When I’m Old?’ Author Joy Loverde Has Your Answers

Title: Who Will Take Care of Me When I'm Old? Plan Now to Safeguard Your Health and Happiness in Old Age Author:  Joy Loverde ISBN: 978-0-7382-1963-9 Reviewed for the NABBW by:  Anne L. Hol…Title: Who Will Take…Title: Who Will Take Care of Me When I'm Old? Plan Now to Safeguard Your Health and Happiness in Old Age Author:  Joy Loverde ISBN: 978-0-7382-1963-9 Reviewed for the NABBW by:  Anne L. Holmes This book, published in 2017, promises to be everything you need to know to plan for your own safe, financially secure, healthy, and happy old age. It's an important theme, because so many of us Baby Boomers have been too busy dealing with the needs of the here and now to have any time to plan for the future.  But, the fact is, if we don't have a support system in place, the mere thought of…

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In Which Trina Discusses the Different Types of Journals and Explains Their Best Use

By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW In my last blog, written just before my mother’s death on January 2, 2022, I wrote about the difference between using journals and diaries. …By Trina O'Quinn for…By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW In my last blog, written just before my mother’s death on January 2, 2022, I wrote about the difference between using journals and diaries. At the end of the post, I said that my next blog would cover several different types of journals and how you can best use them. I am a bit late, as life got in the way, but here is the promised blog.  I will start with some guidelines for effective journal writing: Forget the “rules.” Penmanship, grammar, and spelling are not important. Write what/however you wan…

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Gramps Jeffrey: Too Many Grandparents Just Don’t Care

Guest Post By Gramps Jeffrey, author of "I Don't Want to Turn 3" According to an often-quoted sociology study, "Grandparents and Family Crisis," by Cherin & Furstenberg, 30% of grandparents are…Guest Post By Gramps…Guest Post By Gramps Jeffrey, author of "I Don't Want to Turn 3" According to an often-quoted sociology study, "Grandparents and Family Crisis," by Cherin & Furstenberg, 30% of grandparents are classified as being “remote.” The remote definition of these almost one out of every three grandparents essentially means that they rarely see their grandchildren and most contact is made on birthdays and holidays. (Or as the New York Times wrote in their review of the book, "The New American Grandparent: A Place in the Family: A Life Apart," the non-fiction work Cherin & Furstenberg su…

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Trina O’Quinn Shares Her List of Things You Shouldn’t Say to Someone Who Is Grieving

By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans” ~ John Lennon, lyric from “Beautiful Boy,” from his last album, 'Double Fantasy,' with Yo…By Trina O'Quinn for…By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans” ~ John Lennon, lyric from “Beautiful Boy,” from his last album, 'Double Fantasy,' with Yoko Ono. My intention was to follow up on my last blog post by describing types of journals one could use throughout life. Then on January 2, 2022, my mother died at age 97. She was healthy, her mind was still sharp, but her body started shutting down. So when the grieving started, I changed my plan and decided to write about what the grief of losing my mother has taught me so far. I'll get back t…

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High on Positive Energy, Member Maggie Davenport Discusses the Importance of HOPE (Especially If You’ve Let Your New Years Resolutions Slip)

By Maggie Davenport for the NABBW Winter. A time of natural rest and retreat, of wrapping ourselves in fluffy blankets and settling down, reflecting (or not!). Meanwhile, in perfect sync wi…By Maggie Davenport …By Maggie Davenport for the NABBW Winter. A time of natural rest and retreat, of wrapping ourselves in fluffy blankets and settling down, reflecting (or not!). Meanwhile, in perfect sync with nature, our furry and winged friends are nesting, mating, and traveling to warmer climates - making ready for a flurry of activity in the spring. Resolutions With January in the rear view mirror, and many of us still feeling stuck in the doldrums after  coming  off of the winter holiday season, lots of us are still a bit out of sync with our usual routines. But despite this disorientatio…

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“How to Retire On Your Own Terms: Tips Especially for Women” Is Our December 2021 NABBW Financial Planning Podcast, Featuring Pamela J. Sams, CRPC, BFA, MBA and Trusted Advisor to Professional Women

Here Are the Details for the Zoom Podcast: Topic: How to Retire On Your Own Terms: Tips for Women Time: Dec 23, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) It's EASY To Join the Zoom Meeting …Here Are the Details…Here Are the Details for the Zoom Podcast: Topic: How to Retire On Your Own Terms: Tips for Women Time: Dec 23, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) It's EASY To Join the Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/6912275153?pwd=eHB2K1dNTFJLSUdieW9xdzFZWW5Ndz09 Meeting ID: 691 227 5153 Passcode: 470131

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Gramps Jeffrey Ponders Our Nation’s Opioid Overdose Epidemic and the Proliferation of Homeless Baby Boomers, Wonders Why We Can’t Do More

Guest post by Gramps Jeffrey, author of “I Don’t Want to Turn 3” For years, we Baby Boomers have viewed ourselves as the best generation our great country has ever seen. Prior to Presiden…Guest post by Gramps…Guest post by Gramps Jeffrey, author of “I Don’t Want to Turn 3” For years, we Baby Boomers have viewed ourselves as the best generation our great country has ever seen. Prior to President Biden, who is a member of the Silent Generation (born 1925 to 1945), we Boomers (born 1946 to 1964) have actually run the country since the early 1990s: Bill Clinton from 1993 to 2001, George W. Bush from 2001 to 2009, Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017, and Donald Trump from 2017 to 2021. But I'm asking you to look at the chaos we have created. Two issues stand out starkly for me: Our children ar…

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In Which Trina Clarifies the Difference Between Journals vs. Diaries, and Shares Her Personal Journaling Journey

By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW In reviewing the blogs that I have written over the last year and a half, I have discovered they have some common themes. These themes are: - The Pandemic…By Trina O'Quinn for…By Trina O'Quinn for the NABBW In reviewing the blogs that I have written over the last year and a half, I have discovered they have some common themes. These themes are: - The Pandemic - Change - Loss - Grief In some of my posts, I have shared the thoughts and feelings I have had while dealing with these issues. But I have not discussed the major tool/process that I have used for the last 29 years, which is journaling. To begin with, I want to be clear that journaling should not be confused with keeping a diary, though they ARE often confused with each ot…

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At This Time in Our Lives, We Baby Boomer’s Need to Realize One of Our Most Important Roles Is Mentoring Our Grandchildren

Guest post by Gramps Jeffrey, author of “I Don’t Want to Turn 3” I remember celebrating my father’s 60th birthday, and I did not say this out loud, but definitely thought “he is an old m…Guest post by Gramps…Guest post by Gramps Jeffrey, author of “I Don’t Want to Turn 3” I remember celebrating my father’s 60th birthday, and I did not say this out loud, but definitely thought “he is an old man”. But he lived close to another three decades and I am glad he did. His father (my grandfather) was not as lucky, and he died at the age of 49. Now that we Baby Boomers are in our 60’s and 70’s and beyond, it's my observation that we just don’t seem as old as our parents when they were our current age. Perhaps this fortune is caused by modern science -- or perhaps we just lose our ey…

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.