Saturday - April 20, 2024

“Oh and By The Way I Want To Strengthen My Core”

September 15th, 2012

“Oh and By The Way I Want To Strengthen My Core” By Lisa Byrne, B.S Exercise Sciences | Certified Pilates Instructor NABBW’s Boomer Women\’s Fitness Expert “Really?” I say. Rarely do I run into a person whether new in the studio or someone I meet that doesn\’t include that statement in our conversation. I\’ve learned that following up with a question tells me more about what they think they know verses what they say. “So, what does that mean to you?” The answers usually pertain to them hand gesturing or even patting their belly, responding... Read More

Are You Sitting Yourself to Bad Health?

July 29th, 2012

Are You Sitting Yourself to Bad Health? By Lisa Byrne, B.S Exercise Sciences | Certified Pilates Instructor NABBW’s Boomer Women\’s Fitness Expert We have something in common right off the bat. Chances are you\’re sitting down while reading this just like I\’m sitting here at my laptop while writing this article. How long you been sitting? If it\’s more than 55 minutes, get up. Yep, get up. Blood is getting stuck in your legs, and pooled at your feet. If your knees are bent you\’re further impeding the return flow back to your heart. That sitting position... Read More

Reduce Arthritis Pain With These 5 Exercises

February 21st, 2012

Reduce Arthritis Pain With These 5 Exercises By Lisa Byrne, B.S Exercise Sciences | Certified Pilates Instructor NABBW’s Boomer Women\’s Fitness Expert All this talk about functional fitness, but first, what\’s even functional living? Functional living is being able to move how you want, when you want. You don\’t want to be limited to one direction, or avoiding this move or that move. Stiff and achey joints can slow you down so much that you don\’t even want to exercise. But remember, the health of every joint matters. That means your large joints like hips and... Read More

Dump The Gym, Here’s Your Affordable Fitness Alternative

January 31st, 2012

Dump The Gym, Here\’s Your Affordable Fitness Alternative By Lisa Byrne, B.S Exercise Sciences | Certified Pilates Instructor NABBW’s Boomer Women\’s Fitness Expert You really hate the gym. It\’s crowded, annoying, and you\’re unsure you can actually keep those resolutions. Old thinking in a new year will sink you by Leap Day. Sounds like this: you join a gym, commit to a M,W,F meet up at 6am with girlfriend MaryBeth, or buddy Joe. Get in your cardio, pump some weights, sneak in some abs, and pretend to stretch. Shower and you\’re out the door. This ends... Read More

Hold On! Your Core is More Than You Think

May 10th, 2011

Hold on! Your Core is More Than You Think By Lisa Byrne, B.S Exercise Sciences  |  Certified Pilates Instructor NABBW’s Boomer Women\’s Fitness Expert It’s a hard to teach someone how to hold onto themselves. I’m not talking about giving yourself a hug, although surely we could all use that daily. Holding onto yourself is core stability. Or is it core strength? Both? Before you move next time try this: Stop, look, and listen to your body, your mind, and your task. Do you brace yourself first? Yes, I\’m talking even if it is taking your cereal bowl to the kitchen table. Think... Read More

Gangbusters in the Garden

March 28th, 2011

Gangbusters in the Garden By Lisa Byrne, B.S Exercise Sciences  |  Certified Pilates Instructor NABBW’s Boomer Women\’s Fitness Expert Boomers and gardening, they go well together. Too well sometimes. Every year it’s a similar scene: you’re going to get it all done. Today. Well, maybe this weekend. You’ve got fantastic visions of transforming the yard, the beds, and the new transplants in addition to seeding, weeding and watering. How many times have you overdone it hauling mulch, raking leaves, spreading soil or planting those 200 bulbs? Your love affair with the land, yard... Read More

Fix These 5 for Outstanding Posture

February 11th, 2011

Fix These 5 for Outstanding Posture By Lisa Byrne, B.S Exercise Sciences | Certified Pilates Instructor NABBW’s Boomer Women\’s Fitness Expert Last week I joined my friend and hair stylist for a bite to eat at the local pub.  She immediately noticed the bartender’s outdated hairstyle and said “Wow, I wonder who cuts her hair? She has such a beautiful face and wonderful jaw line, but the cut is not serving her all”. Donna was being completely open and honest in that inquiry.  By no means was it a slam. She thought by engaging in a conversation with the bartender she’d be... Read More

Agree to These 4 For Fitness Success

January 9th, 2011

Agree to These 4 For Fitness Success By Lisa Byrne, B.S Exercise Sciences  |  Certified Pilates Instructor NABBW’s Boomer Women\’s Fitness Expert Personally, I am so tired of hearing  fitness trainers blah-blah-blah’ing the same message over and over: Write a clear plan of what you want to achieve. Commit to it. Change your attitude about exercise. Make exercise a priority. Push yourself. Think positive. Stare at an old picture of yourself and try to go back there. Believe you can. Take action. So How’s That Working Out for You? Is there really anything new to say? Not really.... Read More

The Simpler Way

December 14th, 2010

The Simpler Way By Lisa Byrne NABBW’s Boomer Women\’s Fitness Expert Sometimes it feels so easy to NOT exercise, doesn’t it? There is some sort of weird relief in deciding to procrastinate your exercise intentions for another day.  I mean, what’s the big deal, you’re going to start- just not today. With no direct effects slapping you in the face, nobody breathing down your neck  the decision is easy, no fretting. Delay until tomorrow, again. Whew. HOWEVER, the beloved New Year is approaching. That’s when everyone resolves something that usually has some relationship to fitness.... Read More

Activate your Power

November 29th, 2010

Activate your Power By Lisa Byrne, NABBW’s Boomer Women\’s Fitness Expert Believing that you have power and using it for your growth will make the biggest difference in your fitness for life program. I often think about the word “power” and how to get the message across about its influence. As a movement and fitness coach, part of what I teach to the women that come into the studio is how to build their strength and power for everyday life. No, I’m not talking about bulking up by pumping iron. These are Boomer women who have nothing like that on their radar. And it’s not only... Read More