Saturday - April 20, 2024

What’s on Your Career “Bucket List”? Don’t Have One Yet? It’s Not Too Late to Start, Even for Baby Boomer Women

September 14th, 2014

By Kathleen Winsor-Games NABBW’s Associate for Women and Work What are some meaningful accomplishments that you would like to check off your career bucket list before you retire? If you don’t have a career bucket list yet, now is the perfect time to set about creating one. Think back to when you started your career. What seemed important then? Are there areas you haven’t explored yet that have always been on your career wish list? Why not engage in some wish fulfillment, and transition into an area of passion and untapped strength in your next chapter? You could begin with a modest... Read More

Staying Current in the Workplace Means We Must Prepare for the Future of Work

August 12th, 2014

By Kathleen Winsor-Games NABBW’s Associate for Women and Work The changing nature of work and the new American workplace have been reported on frequently over the past decade. As women and Baby Boomers, we have moved from the expectation of having one or two jobs during the course of our lifetime to an uncertain landscape that our parents would scarcely recognize. The economic and workplace shifts occurring during the decade have been cataclysmic, and many workers are still numbed by recent shockwaves as they attempt to adapt. For many Baby Boomers, retirement has been postponed and age discrimination... Read More

It’s Imperative to Get Your (Career) Story Straight BEFORE You Start looking for Your Next Gig

August 12th, 2014

By Kathleen Winsor-Games NABBW’s Associate for Women and Work Are you in a hurry to find your next job or consulting gig? Perhaps you were recently laid off, or the company you worked for these past 10 years closed its doors. After a lengthy and successful tenure, you find yourself in the position of having to tell friends and strangers about your value to future employers. As a woman who entered the job market at a time when we all expected to stay with the same company until retirement, you may be looking outside of your former employer’s doors at a startling new employment landscape... Read More