Don\’t Call Me Mother

She allows the reader into her troubled world—we feel her devastation each time she is left behind by her mother. The scenes of little Linda at the tender age of four, standing at the train station sending her mother off yet again—the high-pitched whistle of the train echoing her exhaustion, loneliness and misery—are gut-wrenching. The reader wants to rush in and rescue her, help her understand, and move her away from the dysfunction that threatens to ruin her. However, in the very next sentence we witness her miraculously bouncing back on her own. We wonder how she does it; how she is able to taste the sweetness of anything that life has to offer when her world is colored by chaos and destruction, but she does. We love and admire her for it. She carries us to the very end of it all and we are moved to understand that she is going to be okay; that we will be okay.
Linda Joy Myers is a superb writer and her offering, Don\’t Call Me Mother, is a gift. She has allowed herself healing through her words and exploration; she presents us with a means to travel on our own healing journey. Her book imparts love and forgiveness in its rawest form. Do not miss the opportunity to experience it for yourself.