The Great Cholesterol Lie

Dr. Dwight Lundell, co-author of The Great Cholesterol Lie, along with Lois Smithers, offers an alternative approach to a healthful existence. The focus of the e-book is heart disease. Lundell moves to debunk the long-held belief that cholesterol is the main culprit and names “inflammation” the offender of sorts. There have been many books written in the last five years about this nation\’s poorly-constructed food pyramid. Dr. Lundell expands on why he believes restructuring needs to occur, and our fear of cholesterol is misguided. As a dedicated heart surgeon for the past 25 years, he has “held [heart disease] in his hands, performing over 5,000 open heart surgeries,” making him more than qualified to address the issue. As he provides detailed explanations to the lay person about the cause and cure, he is kind and patient.
Dr. Lundell creates a re-tailored food pyramid for reducing inflammation in the body, more specifically the heart, and guides the reader into simple lifestyle choices that enable optimal health. The heart-healthy plan is straightforward and easy to implement, and it is the author\’s hope that the reader will waste no time in putting it into practice.