  Tuesday - March 4th, 2025

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The Leverage Triangle

The Three Elements
Have you heard me talk about the Leverage Triangle yet?

As entrepreneurs and pursuers of our dreams and passions, we all have 3 elements to work with when we start a business: Time, Expertise, and Money.

Most of us have very little of each of these in the beginning of our journey-but as we grow our business or our dream of any kind, we begin to have more of each and thus more leverage.

And interestingly enough–successful individuals learn to leverage other people\’s time, expertise and money too. And when we do that, we often help other people reach their dreams. Our dreams are often intertwined. We just don\’t notice it sometimes.


What determines the amount of success you will have and also how fast you will achieve it?


Your mindset will determine your success. Period. It is the force and the energy that is driving all those things you need to leverage. The mindset you have is more important than the amount of time you spend on building your dream, more important than your level of expertise, and even more important than how much money you have.
If you aren\’t operating your passion and dream plan with proven success Mindsets, you won\’t be able to leverage yours or anyone else\’s money, expertise, and time exponentially.

How To Manage The Leverage Triangle

Now that you understand the Leverage Triangle and that your mindset is the powerful force driving your leverage ability of the elements of time, money, and expertise-there are some proven behaviors that will help you manage the triangle more productively. Why would you want to manage it better?

BECAUSE, managing the leverage triangle more productively will help you reach your dreams faster.

1. Set Boundaries
2. Hire A Team That Plays At Your Weaknesses As Soon As You Can Afford Them
3. Use Focus As Your Tool To Eliminate Overwhelm
4. Partner With Experts Until You Become An Expert Yourself
5. Package Your Expertise As A Low Supply Expertise Building Your Dreams and Passion – What Mindsets To Explore
Here are just a few of the Mindsets I encourage you to explore as you build your dreams into a reality-whatever those dreams may be:
• Your Relationship With Money Itself
• Your Ability To See The Bigger Picture & Then MORE IMPORTANTLY Step Into It
• Understanding LEVERAGE & ROI and Using The Principles In EVERY Area of Your Life
• Building A Community To Serve That You Are Passionate About
• Understanding That YOU Are The Most Important Resource You Have YET You NEED a Team To Accomplish Your Goals
• Using Technology Allows You to Build a Brand and Expert Status At Lighting Speed
• Plugging Into Proven and Multiple Business Models Is Smart
• You Must Surround Yourself With People Who Are Doers
• You Must Be Willing To Take Risks and Have Sense of Adventure & Have Fun
• Systems and Automation Are Keys To Faster Success
• You Attract Specific Opportunities When You Believe Those Opportunities Are Possible
Sheri McConnell is the President of the Assn of Web Entrepreneurs. She teaches online entrepreneurs how to discover, create, and profit from their intellectual knowledge. Get a copy of her 10 Mindsets Web Entrepreneurs Must Have To Succeed at www.aweconnect.com.

Sheri Keys Founder of the National Association of Women Writers

Sheri McConnell (www.SheriMcConnell.net) is the President and Founder of the National Association of Women Writers (www.NAWW.org). She helps women writers and entrepreneurs discover, create, and profit from their intellectual knowledge! Sheri' lives in San Antonio, Texas with her husband Seth and their four children-ages 11, 10, 6, and 3 months. Contact her at naww@onebox.com or her toll free number at 866-821-5829.

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