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Lifestyle Tips For Women Who Think & Create Big

Much of my success with membership-based businesses is also because of my ability to continuously grow in the area of “mindsets”. Here are a number of tips to help you think and create in a big way.
Tip One–Honor Your Urges
One of the main reasons I left the corporate world and took the entrepreneurial plunge many years ago was so I could do more of what I enjoyed and less of what I hated. It makes sense doesn\’t it? Yet, you would be surprised how many entrepreneurs don\’t do more of what they love. Make sure you take advantage of the freedom you have by setting boundaries early on in your business. Successful entrepreneurs don\’t create boundaries after they are wealthy. They create them so they can become wealthy. Not always being accessible actually creates scarcity and attracts more business. From now on when you want to take off and head to Starbucks or you want to take a week off and go on vacation, honor those urges, plan accordingly, and then do it.
Tip Two–You Can Work Hard and Still Have Fun
When you first start your company, you probably will wear all the hats and work harder than you ever have. But once the business is built and you start to gain new customers and sell products, it is a lot of fun. The best part of being a leader is being able to pick up the phone and have access to someone you have admired for years because you are a gatekeeper to a database of customers. You learn so much from those experts you now have access to, and your customers will love you for it when you graciously pass new information on to them.
Tip Three–Let Go To Grow
One of the main reasons I became an entrepreneur and left the corporate world back in 1999 was because I loved the freedom to just let go and have fun. I wanted to have a higher quality of life where I could be creative and earn more for that creativity. Unfortunately, what happens with many entrepreneurs in start up is they get too intense and end up chasing away the most beneficial business and personal relationships. Always remember “why” you are pursuing this dream in the first place and remember to let go and have fun with the people you meet and do business with. I love working with people who make me laugh, who have a wicked sense of humor, who get passionate about their causes, and who know how to let go, be themselves, and make “work” fun. The cool thing is these types of people attract others like them, and your fun “network” then multiplies exponentially. So do your revenues. Bottom line: Letting go and having fun in business is good for the soul and for the bank account.
Tip Four–Build Millionaire Relationships
NO ONE can reach seven figures without building crucial business and personal relationships along the way. The membership-based business model is a millionaire business model and by using it, you attract important relationships more easily. Millionaire relationships aren\’t always measured by the financial return on investment (ROI) you receive either. One of the most exciting parts of building a company that you are passionate about is all of the dynamic and energetic people you can access. This type of ROI often shows up in the form of real people who serve as resources when you need them. All you have to do is decide to take action and work on getting to know people. Then you can communicate how your company can help them solve their problems.
Tip Five–Understand Entrepreneurial Energy
Millionaires rarely sit down, and they are often in great shape. They also don\’t watch TV much, and they give of themselves freely. Millionaires have lots of entrepreneurial energy. They are creative, passionate, risk takers, who are big thinkers and always evolving. If this description isn\’t you yet, start aiming for these behaviors today. Know that what you eat and if you exercise directly affects your bottom line. People are attracted to people (and companies) who take care of themselves and are full of energy. What you feed your brain (literally) determines your ability to solve million-dollar problems and come up with million-dollar ideas. (Just some food for thought!)

Sheri Keys Founder of the National Association of Women Writers

Sheri McConnell (www.SheriMcConnell.net) is the President and Founder of the National Association of Women Writers (www.NAWW.org). She helps women writers and entrepreneurs discover, create, and profit from their intellectual knowledge! Sheri' lives in San Antonio, Texas with her husband Seth and their four children-ages 11, 10, 6, and 3 months. Contact her at naww@onebox.com or her toll free number at 866-821-5829.

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