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How To Tap Into Your Brilliance

As a practicing writer, do you sometimes feel like you have nothing to write or like it takes forever to create even one well written sentence? And then after all the hard work it took to create a powerful sentence, article, or book-you then struggle to get motivated to do it all over again. Writing doesn\’t have to be this hard. You can learn to Tap Into Your Brilliance easier, faster, and with more excitement!

Creating A Supportive Environment

Writing partners are a must. More than anything else, a writing buddy or partner will allow you to be validated on a consistent basis. Not just validation of your actual writing, but validation of your time and work. That is why joining organizations like the NAWW are so important in helping you tap into your brilliance. It really is about validation of your purpose. You won\’t sit down at the computer again and again to write if you don\’t feel like it is a worthy experience.

Organization isn\’t just for people who are anal. Grin. Organization allows the mind to tap into ideas and thoughts much quicker. If you have a disorganized life-guess what-your brain will often resemble the same disorganized state. A clogged faucet doesn\’t flow.

Interviews are another great way to allow yourself to tap into your own brilliance easier. Whenever I am stuck with a writing project I schedule an interview to help me get stimulated again. First, it gives me the accountability to get questions created for the interviewee and second, I am always energized by the “brilliance” of other dynamic people. I get new ideas and inspiration each and every time I do an interview-not to mention great quotes I now have to infuse into my own writing.

Practicing Organic Writing

Look for the seeds or writing prompts throughout your days. I get lots of them in the shower. When you sit down to write, start writing about what you are most passionate about first. List bullets first and then expand upon those for additional ideas. Write often and you will train yourself to “get in the flow” much easier.

A few other great ways to “grow” your ideas into other writing projects organically is to take inventory of what you already have. Use past content to jumpstart your writing. Pull quotes from books you love and have read over and over again.

Using the Right Tapping Tools

Some people like to generate ideas (tap into their brilliance) in a linear way (outlines) and others in a more visual and creative way (mindmapping). I use both. When I work on any project that will have a table of contents, I always start with it first. I know that my table of contents will never ever look the same in the end. But just having that as a starting point gets me going. I also do dummy covers and slide them into a manual with the table of contents right inside in front of a lot of blank hole-punched paper. I carry this around and jot new ideas down and stick notes in the binder pockets.

When I write shorter articles, I use mindmaps to map out the flow of the information. I also love using them when I plan and write workshops or teleseminars because the mindmaps become an extra visual bonus for the attendees. I love using www.mindjet.com for this purpose.

You can also use a wipe on/wipe off board and use sticky Post It notes that you can move around to organize your ideas. Another thing I do on the days when I can\’t write at all (which for me is usually the weekends) is put ideas on sticky notes and just stick them to my computer. This one practice alone allows me to easily tap right into brilliance when I sit back down at the computer come Monday morning.

Finally-Focusing on the Rewards

Focusing on rewards is the last and very effective way that I have trained myself to tap into brilliance. I set deadlines and reward myself with time off to read a book and grab some Starbucks. I also announce my accomplishments to my own internal team and support group. I offer preorders for products I haven\’t yet written to my customers-that financial reward alone (much like a book advance) completely motivates me to tap into my brilliance because I know I can\’t disappoint my customers.

Invitation to Tap Into Your Brilliance

I know that you can tap into your brilliance much easier once you let go of perfection and create the right environment to support your dreams and passions. The systems I talk about above will allow you to train your brain to do it faster and with more ease. Need more support? Plug into the NAWW member forums soon and let other NAWW members know how these techniques are working for you!

Sheri Keys Founder of the National Association of Women Writers

Sheri McConnell (www.SheriMcConnell.net) is the President and Founder of the National Association of Women Writers (www.NAWW.org). She helps women writers and entrepreneurs discover, create, and profit from their intellectual knowledge! Sheri' lives in San Antonio, Texas with her husband Seth and their four children-ages 11, 10, 6, and 3 months. Contact her at naww@onebox.com or her toll free number at 866-821-5829.

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