  Sunday - March 2nd, 2025

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The Simple Secret to Creating an Extraordinary Business

…by Suzanne Falter Barnes

No, this isn\’t an essay about turbo goal setting, keyword optimization, or high pressure sales tactics.

It\’s actually about harnessing the power of love to build your business.

Yep, you read that right. Love. That\’s all it takes to build the business of your dreams.

Now before you dismiss me as being way to woo-woo to take seriously, let me explain myself. For the last week I\’ve been sick in bed with bronchitis … and so I\’ve been doing a lot of thinking.

When I look at the really profitable months for my business last year, they all had one simple thing in common – my site was a hub of generous energy. There were free teleclasses going on; I was personally responding to lots of emails; I was posting like mad on my blog and my essays were some of the best I\’d written. I was in full, passionate swing with my business … and it felt like I was in total ‘flow\’.

In fact, I was in Deep Giving mode. And it came back to me, almost unblinkingly. I got call after call requesting my private coaching. Products were selling that didn\’t even have direct links from my home page. My site was on fire.

Why? Because I was simply coming from a place of love – not worry, fear, or even logical control of the outcome. Instead, I was grounded in this other place that was truly full of delight at what I had to share.

On the other hand, some months last year weren\’t so great.

In those months, I was worried that I wouldn\’t bring in enough income, or that I wasn\’t creating a new program or product fast enough … or that I wouldn\’t attract the coaching clients I wanted to.

Interestingly, my fear kept the lid on my business at times like that – sometimes reducing sales by as much as 80%. The evidence is very graphic. When I shared what I had from a place of abundant, eager zeal, giving away big pieces of myself not from a place of sales manipulation and fear BUT from a place of genuine love … then I saw big rewards that I wasn\’t even looking for.

And this became the coolest part: my zeal for sharing the work was so fun that that, in itself, was enough of a gift for me. It was genuinely cool to put it out there for people to enjoy. So the sales that resulted seemed almost like gravy.

This kind of success is really about getting into that magical ‘flow\’ mindset — in which you run your business just like water pouring along a bubbling brook. Your business just moves merrily along, and you instinctively place one foot in front of the other, not trying to contain it, control it, rein it in or even keep up with it … just simply being with it as it does.

By gently using your instinct and tapping into what your heart is telling you to do with your business, you naturally choose the path of giving and love. And that can make all the difference for your clients, your self and your success.

Suzanne Falter-Barns\’ website at http://getknownnow.com/ offers tips and tools that help you build your platform and get known as an expert in your field. Sign up for her free ezine, Expert Status, and receive her free database, “Suzanne\’s Top 50 Media & Publishing Contacts”. And get regular, easy platform tips at her blog, http://www.getknownnowblog.com/

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