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May Brings Us The Power of Maybe (And Some Funny Videos)

May Brings Us The Power of Maybe (And Some Funny Videos)

By Leigh Anne Jasheway
NABBW’s Boomer Humor Expert

There is power in “No.”

  • No, I can’t bake 400 brownies for the class bake sale tomorrow.
  • No, I won’t be able to stay late after work again because the computer ate that file.
  • No, I’d prefer no to talk to you about changing my cell phone plan.

There is also power in “Yes.”

  • Yes, I would like to try that new chocolate dessert.
  • Yes, I will marry you.
  • Yes, I am game for boarding this spaceship, but only if you return me to earth in time for dinner because I’m expecting a phone call about changing my cell phone plan.

But what about “Maybe?” Is there power in “Maybe?” Yes!

Our society has become so polarized, we’re like two ends of a giant magnet, repelling each other, never able to come together, even momentarily, because we’re so highly charged about so many things. You’re either on one side or the other when it comes to the deficit or health care or tax breaks for the wealthy or the definition of marriage or whether kids should be offered healthy foods in school cafeterias or allowed to eat whatever they want…

I’m not suggesting we be wishy-washy about the issues that speak directly to our core values. Or that we have such an open mind our brains fall out. But what about embracing the power of “Maybe” in the smaller moments of our everyday lives?

  • Maybe that guy with the scowling dragon tattoo on the back of his neck isn’t a thug or a slacker. Maybe he’s just a young man looking for love like the rest of us.
  • Maybe that woman who just swerved into our lane isn’t an idiot driver, but an overworked mom whose infant daughter’s screaming distracted her from making the best driving choice.
  • Maybe that person working in customer service really is trying his best to answer your questions, if you would only stop yelling for a second.
  • Maybe your neighbor is struggling with loneliness and would love it if someone, anyone, would knock on her front door.
  • Maybe we don’t need to worry about whether we look good in a bathing suit or have the same amount of hair we did last decade or don’t have eyelashes that can bat away airplanes in an emergency. Maybe as long as we’re healthy and happy and doing the best we can, we’re okay just the way we are.

“Maybe” leaves a door open. Rather than being noncommittal, it suggests taking time before jumping to conclusions, grabbing onto stereotypes, or making up stories that are completely false and serve only to make us angry and frustrated. “Maybe” suggests the possibility of doors being opened, of relationships strengthening, and of each of us optimistically entertaining the idea that people are more alike than different.

This May, why not celebrate the power of “Maybe” by sprinkling some into your life and seeing what grows.

I was a big fan of the improv game show Whose Line is It Anyway. Fortunately, many clips are available on YouTube, including this one which is one of my all-time favorites:


And there’s even better news – you can now catch most of the same cast (plus great guests) on Improv-a-Ganza on the Game Show Network weeknights at 5 and 8 p.m. Pacific Time.

Are you tired of being motivated? Then this is the website for you. It features demotivational posters that can humorously provide a little stress resolution for a variety of job and life stressors. Just remember to laugh (if you take them too seriously, you might have to call for professional assistance).

Here are some fun stress management videos that might be just what the doctor ordered for your office:





Leigh Anne Jasheway, M.P.H. is a stress management and humor expert who helps women and men manage stress, embrace change, and become healthier by learning to lighten up. She speaks at 50-60 conferences and workshops every year and has been a national Speaking of Women’s Health and Healthy Woman keynoter. She’s a member of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor (AATH). Learn more about her at her website. Leigh Anne’s new book,Confessions of a Semi-Natural Woman (a collection of 99 of her funniest humor columns from the past ten’ish years – including the one that won the Erma Bombeck Humor Writing Competition – is now available at www.accidentalcomic.com) She also has  a new blog. Of if she says,  If you go there and like what you see, you can subscribe by clicking the subscribe button (who knew?)”

Leigh Anne Jashaway-Bryant Mistress of Public Humor

Leigh Anne Jasheway is a comedy writer, comedian, humorous motivational speaker and wiener dog wrangler. She is the author of 25 published humor books, including Not Guilty by Reason of Menopause and Bedtime Stories for Dogs, and has been included in more than 2 dozen anthologies. In 2003 she won the Erma Bombeck humor award for her true story on how her mammogram caught on fire. When she’s not writing or making people laugh, she’s tossing a ball 7,000 times in a row for her dogs.

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