  Thursday - September 19th, 2024

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Check Out These Additional Subcategories Under Family & Relationships

Get to know your grandkids

By: Andy Nibley Reprinted with permission by GRAND Magazine In an attempt to better understand my grandkids, I have bitten the bullet and gone where I never thought I would ever go—into the belly of the Internet beast, at least that part of the Internet beast where the young ones go. I\’m talking about the […]

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Conscious Curiosity is Key to Dating Success

When you practice conscious dating, you practice the emotional skills required for a happy marriage. And being curious about each other is central to real connection and real romance. So here are just a few tips to help you be a smart dater, a conscious dater: Throughout the day, keep a list of all you\’d […]

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College Grads Thinking of Moving Home

Empty Nesters and their chicks are sitting on a fence. No one really knows what will happen in regards to the job market or how long they will fluff their nest, again. It is not looking good for some grads and for others; they are living their dream launch of the paycheck. They might have […]

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Conflicts can be Romantic?

Romantic conflicts are as common as . . . Chores, Money, Sex, In-laws, Holidays, Feeling Ignored, Vacations, Disciplining the Children, Enough Time Together, Lack of Listening, Dirty Fighting, The “Right Way” to Do Things, “You Just Don\’t Get It,” and on and on . . . And you\’ve got your own unique trouble spots that […]

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Boomers and Empty Nesters, How Do You Begin?

Life changes whether expected or planned. Starting over is complex. What I hear over and over is, “I just need someone who gets what I am going through right now.” The reason I launched Empty Nest Support Services is because I did not want anyone to go through major life transitions alone. I have been […]

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It\’s All About Connection . . . OR NOT!

Perhaps even more important for Boomers — what is it that makes dating such a jumbled mess of painful mistakes? Certainly not a lack of trying. That\’s far from the truth. And it\’s not because you\’re desperate. If that was true you would have married long ago . . . even if it was your […]

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Engagement Tips for the Smart Bride and Groom

Now that we\’re in Engagement Season – from Thanksgiving through Valentine\’s Day – if you\’re planning on “popping” or “answering” THE QUESTION you\’ll want to make the most of this life changing moment. So remember . . . Your engagement is a time of great excitement, and all to often the burden and frustration of […]

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Workin\’ it Out — Together

In the early days of love, it all seems so bliss filled and romantic — and it feels like it will last forever. Then you settle down, get married, create a home, have kids and……where did the magic go!? There\’s so much to do, the errands never end, the house always needs work, the kids […]

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