  Saturday - September 7th, 2024

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Healthy Relationships

Workin\’ it Out — Together

In the early days of love, it all seems so bliss filled and romantic — and it feels like it will last forever. Then you settle down, get married, create a home, have kids and……where did the magic go!? There\’s so much to do, the errands never end, the house always needs work, the kids […]

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The Alchemy of Real Romance

When you connect with and experience your own feelings while, at the same time, taking in the feelings of the one you love, you are walking straight into the open heartspace of real romance. That’s where you find the special connections you make with one another, whether small and subtle or grand and brilliant. The […]

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Can You Be Loved for Being Different?

When you were growing up what did you learn about how you were supposed to think about and treat people who were different from you and your family? What did your family say? How about your friends? Neighbors? What were the messages you received either openly or by suggestion? You may not have an answer […]

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It\’s Gardening Time, So Fertilize Your Love

Winter\’s come and gone. And now, how does your garden grow? No doubt it\’s survived some difficult times during these past months, and yet it\’s still there waiting for you to grab some seeds, a bag of mulch, the trowel and your flowered gloves so you can get busy transforming it into this year\’s special […]

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Real Romance On A Pillow

When you are open to real romance as an every day part of your love life, often, what seems to be insignificant on first blush, takes on powerful meaning for both of you. Imagine it\’s early morning, and you have time to snuggle and cuddle with the one you love. (We write this from the […]

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Suffering From Negative Head-Talk?

Nearly everyone does battle with that pesky voice of self-judgment and sabotaging put-downs that chatters away in our heads. And, in response to a recent teleseminar we gave titled “The Fear of Being Fabulous” we received a request from a participant who said: “I would love to hear how you remove the head talk that […]

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Dream Big, Dream With Love

The celebration of the New Year is the oldest of all continuing holidays. It was observed 4000 years ago by the ancient Babylonians and has continued, with only minor interruptions, into modern times. Anything with a history that long and enduring clearly has deep significance for the human psyche. Perhaps it\’s simply a celebration of […]

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The Gift of Receiving

You\’re busy checking off the items on your to-do list. Most of the gifts have been wrapped. And the holiday cards made it to the post office this morning. Oh, but you forgot about your daughter\’s teacher! And what to take to the Smith\’s annual Christmas Eve get together? And then the cookies for the […]

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The Price of Gratitude

Long before we get to the table laden with turkey, cranberry sauce and over-sweet yams, we are face-to-face with the challenge of gratitude all month long. For most of the year we can duck and dodge the pressures of thankfulness, and most people do — openly admitting to having a terrible time accepting compliments, much […]

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Love and Romance Are Always Created by Both of You

Fundamental to understanding how relationships actually work, it’s essential to appreciate that two people are always co-creating their relationship — right from the moment they meet. They indicate what they like and what they don\’t, what they’ll put up with or not, how generous they are, emotionally, spiritually, monetarily, or not. They speak up for […]

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