  Monday - March 3rd, 2025

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What is Job Stress? Having a stressful job and experience job stress are two entirely separate things. A job which is stressful may mean that it is high intensity (such as an air traffic controller), that critical decisions have to be made (like a caseworker for social services), that long hours are involved (the 24-hour […]

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The Deathbed Test

…by Prill Boyle You wouldn\’t know it from reading People magazine, but the value of your life probably won\’t end up being measured by how much money you made or how well-known you were. A few generations down the road, it\’s likely no one will remember what you accomplished. (If you don\’t believe me, ask […]

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Sage Advice from a Seasoned Late Bloomer

…by Prill Boyle Late bloomers come in several varieties. Some take up new careers. Some find love for the first time. And some discover that who they aspire to be, they in some measure already are. Former sitcom writer Amy Cohen is one of the latter; and she\’s written a wonderfully warm and witty book […]

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Not Sweating the Small Stuff Small disappointments occur on a daily if not hourly basis. Bad hair days. A silent phone when a call from a new love interest was expected. The prime project at work assigned to a co-worker. A much-anticipated event cancelled. A higher than usual gas and electric bill that means no […]

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When You are Short on Time, Make it Count!

…by Mary Pearsall Are you exercising, but just not getting the results you think you should? Busy boomer women have limited time to fit in exercise. So, if you\’re going to spend the time, make it worth your while. Follow these tips to make your exercise count: Do Something Different Doing the same exercise over […]

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No Excuses

…by Prill Boyle Here\’s a fun game I invented-perfect for the lazy days of summer. I call it “Anything is Possible.” Try it. You\’ll be amazed at the results. The game begins by asking a simple question: What is one obstacle that might prevent someone from achieving a dream? The first time I played, I […]

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From Chardonnay to Chocolate Milk

…by Julie Clark Robinson  “Strangers are friends you haven\’t met yet.” –Peter Rosen   At the time, I thought I was doing a pretty good juggling act. Between work, marriage, our two small children, extended families, and a circle of friends that we barely had enough time to enjoy, every “ball” in the air seemed […]

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What Are Life Transitions? The two most dramatic life transitions are ones we barely notice or remember-these are birth and death. Coming into this world and leaving it are events we celebrate or mourn in the lives of others, but our experience of our own birth amounts to little more than an after-the-fact look at […]

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The Power of Thinking Small

…by Prill Boyle Most of us think of world hunger and toss our hands up in the air, just as most of us give up on our dreams before taking a single step toward them. Not Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank. Yunus, who aspires to eliminate world poverty and has done more to […]

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Mind Over Muscle

…by Mary Pearsall There has been a lot of “buzz” in the exercise world in the last few years about the mind body connection in workout routines. It can seem a bit mysterious, complex or even downright quacky to some. Not to worry, it is really very straightforward. “Mind – body” very simply means that […]

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