March 11th, 2008
…by Prill Boyle To be successful in any endeavor, you have to stick with it. And that\’s a lot easier to accomplish when you\’re doing what you enjoy. Passion is the purest fuel around. But even when you\’re doing what you love, it\’s easy to lose steam. Whether you\’re an aspiring novelist like me, an […]
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March 11th, 2008
…by Mary Pearsall I have heard it again and again – “I am exercising every day for an hour and I am just not getting the weight off like I was before. What is the problem?” Well, it could be a variety of things, but invariably I find that most people are doing the same […]
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February 15th, 2008
…by Prill Boyle How does one discover a calling? The honest answer is, I\’m not sure. For the majority of us, I suspect, the seeds appear in childhood. (My interviews with late bloomers bear this out.) But other than that, I can\’t really say. What I have noticed, however, is that serendipity often plays a […]
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February 15th, 2008
…Mary Pearsall It seems that many more people are eating out more frequently. You could be setting yourself up for weight gain if you are a frequent diner – but it need not happen. With a little effort you can have as much control over what you eat when you dine out as when you […]
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February 14th, 2008
What is Compulsive Spending? The holidays are a perfect time to discuss compulsive spending. Isn\’t everyone a compulsive spender when the holidays roll around? Doesn\’t our country encourage overspending at this time of year? Isn\’t racking up the credit cards the American way of life? Unfortunately, all of the above questions can be answered with […]
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January 15th, 2008
…by Prill Boyle Seven years ago, when I first started writing about late bloomers, it was unusual for someone to go back to school in midlife or start a new business at sixty-five. Today, while such endeavors might still not be considered commonplace, they are no longer particularly newsworthy. Americans are gradually accepting the idea […]
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January 15th, 2008
…by Suzanne Falter Barnes So podcasts have been around for a few years now, and I\’m only just now fully appreciating their power. Why? Because I\’ve discovered the perfect way to use them … and I\’m excited to share it! Here\’s how to make sure your podcast really builds platform for you. Determine a persona […]
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January 15th, 2008
…by Mary Pearsall How many times have you vowed to lose weight, get fit, exercise, or eat healthy for the New Year? It is certainly true that January 1st is the traditional time to resolve to either kick a bad habit or start a good one. However, if you have attempted this unsuccessfully in the […]
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December 10th, 2007
…by Prill Boyle What do you really want? If you have no idea, you\’ve got lots of company. Researchers at the Institute for Happiness Studies estimate that only one in ten Americans ever bother to ask themselves that question, let alone act on it. Okay, so I made that statistic up. Heck, I even made […]
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December 10th, 2007
…by Suzanne Falter-Barnes Got time to read a quick essay about how to find more time? Desperately need more time but you\’re not sure where to find it? I personally could REALLY use more time these days – way too many tasks for hours in a day. So that\’s when I turn to the trusted […]
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