  Saturday - September 7th, 2024

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2021 Medicare Changes and Important Dates: What Beneficiaries Need to Know

Special to the NABBW By Lindsay Engle, Medicare Expert, MedicareFAQ With the Medicare Open Enrollment period quickly approaching, current and newly eligible beneficiaries will see a variety of changes that could impact their coverage for the 2021 calendar year, including budget updates and a reduction in drug costs among others. It is critical that all beneficiaries […]

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Got Medicare? Get a no-cost test for COVID-19

If you’ve been wondering about the cost of being tested for COVID-19, here’s a letter from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services which spells out what is covered under the recent CARES Act: By Seema Verma, Administrator, U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services If you have Medicare and want to be tested for coronavirus […]

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Insightful Barry Silverstein Article Introduces Our New “Boomer Life Reboots” Section! (And None Too Soon, As It’s Time to Start Planning How You Will Spend the Next Half of Your Life!)

A NOTE FROM THE “BOOMER IN CHIEF:” Recently, one of my collegiate girlfriends posted photos on on Facebook, sharing that her newly retired husband had just beautifully completed an advanced yard project, and noting that if any friends thought it looked like something their yard would appreciate, she’d send him over, noting that he “has […]

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Pompeii – A History Buff’s Travel Dream

By Teresa Roberts NABBW’s Associate for Living Abroad   When I was in grade school, every student in my classroom received a copy of the Weekly Reader. Maybe the mention of that little publication triggers a memory for you, too. Most of the stories and information that I gathered from the Weekly Reader did not […]

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Four Ways to Overcome “Career Drift”

By Kathleen Winsor-Games NABBW’s Associate for Women and Work Is your career moving forward on a path of your choosing and in a fulfilling direction? Have you begun to feel that your career is something that is happening to you, without your guidance or input? If it feels as though your career has gone into […]

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Is It the Season for After School Afternoons with a Kitchen Full Of Kids Doing Homework and Eating Snacks? Not in the Empty Nest

By Natalie Caine, M.A. NABBW’s Associate for Empty Nest Back to school is already happening.  Parents are checking the lists and encouraging their children\’s hearts, saying, “All will be fine, it is going to be a fantastic year.” Then there is you, Mom and Dad.  I remember when I dropped my daughter off at college, […]

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Aging Boomers: Is 50 Really the New 30?

By Meryl Ain For the NABBW The weeklong celebration of Hoda Kotb’s 50th birthday on the Today Show culminated with a congratulatory video message from First Lady Michelle Obama to a surprised and delighted Hoda. Throughout the week, 50 was celebrated as glamorous, sexy and a time for reinvention. This is all true, and I […]

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.