  Monday - September 16th, 2024

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Articles by: Former Associates

Livin\’ Easy

…by Julie Clark Robinson “Summer afternoon – summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” –Henry James When I think of summertime, I hear a lazy, engaging lyric taunt me with “…and the livin\’s easy…” But then reality hits and I realize I needed to be […]

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The More Creative Home Office

…by Suzanne Falter-Barnes A few years back I wrote here about Kathryn Weber, whose beautiful ezine, The Red Lotus Letter, is one of the top Feng Shui ezines out there. (Feng Shui is the Chinese art of using interior decoration to create an auspicious life.) It\’s a great mix of the practical and the mysterious. […]

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A Hard Act To Follow

…by Prill Boyle What\’s next? If you haven\’t already asked yourself that question, at some point you probably will. Average life expectancy for women is now approaching 80 years, and with our greater longevity comes more beginnings and endings. Children leave home. Jobs change. Loved ones die. Retirement approaches. Then new jobs beckon when savings […]

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Midlife for Women – A Play in Three Acts: Act I

ACT I – CRUNCHING THE CRUMMIES The most common invaders during our midlife years (which I define as that phase of life anywhere between forty and death) are the FIVE CRUMMIES. They are CRUMMY HEALTH, CRUMMY KIDS, CRUMMY PARTNERS, CRUMMY JOBS, and CRUMMY DEALS. They come in pairs or trios, or even a quintet. They […]

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Follow the Little Leaders

…by Julie Clark Robinson “I meant to do my work today – But a brown bird sang in the apple tree. And a butterfly flitted across the field, and all the leaves were calling me.” –Richard le Gallienne Remember that scene in “Big” when Tom Hanks — the man who woke up  one day to […]

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A Change of Attitude

…By Prill Boyle Attitude might not be everything, but it\’s a good place to start if you want something in your life to change. Let me tell you a personal story. After my youngest son was born, I did not have warm and fuzzy feelings about him. For three months, he had colic and cried […]

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Eight Mistakes That Can Kill Your Website

…by Suzanne Falter-Barnes Ever notice how some websites feel great, energetic, fun — you just want to linger to soak up more? And yet other sites are truly repellant. These tips will help you create a truly happening site…. 1. Don\’t use a dark background. Think about the websites you\’ve seen that are fun, refreshing, […]

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Walking Through Fear

…by Prill Boyle We\’re all afraid. If we\’re not anxious about getting senile or going broke, we\’re worried that our children will start using drugs or that we\’ll end up as one-hit wonders. It doesn\’t matter how accomplished, brilliant and beautiful we consider ourselves. Fear comes with the territory of being human. And the better […]

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Soggy Slippers and All

…by Julie Clark Robinson “An optimist is the human personification of spring.”  -Susan J. Bissonette Every day I wake up a little more giddy than the day before. Steaming cup of coffee in hand, I challenge my slippers to take on the dew and head out the door to see, literally, what\’s new. I give […]

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Dealing With Your Depression – Column IV

In this SERIES of monthly COLUMNS Dr. Stephen will help you: • Find out more about your depressed mood • Name that tune: A description of depressive and mood disorders • Change your depressed mood through action • Decide if you need medication COLUMN FOUR: DECIDING IF YOU NEED MEDICATION Let me begin by reminding […]

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