  Thursday - September 19th, 2024

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Articles by: Former Associates

Building Better Boomer Bodies

…by Mary Pearsall Times have really changed. Could you imagine our mothers picking up a dumbbell or doing a set of pushups? It just didn\’t happen back then. A lot of baby boomer women are supplementing their exercise programs with some kind of muscle conditioning – and for good reason. Time and again research has […]

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To Everything a Season

…by Prill Boyle Have you ever been determined to head in one direction, only to have life nudge you in another? That\’s what happened to June, a 54-year old dental receptionist whose deepest desire is to become an ornithologist, a scientist who studies birds. This September, she was all set to take her first biology […]

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“Dirty Little Reminders”

…by Julie Clark Robinson “One hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, how big my house was, or what kind of car I drove. But the world may be a little better, because I was important in the life of a child.” –Forest Witcraft              I had been […]

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Although you may escape the MALADIES, you rarely escape the OVERFILLED PLATE. You find your plate heaped high with a three-layer GENERATION SANDWICH, plus two helpings of EMPTY BIRD\’S-NEST SOUP, and a side of ROTTEN EGGS. An example from my own life amply demonstrates the dreaded GENERATION SANDWICH. I learned first hand in May of […]

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No Time Like The Present

…by Prill Boyle When we pursue a dream, our spirits wake up. But as our hearts begin to soar and we head off to whatever destination we\’ve chosen, it\’s vital to remember that what\’s most important in our lives is not in the future. It\’s here and now. Jim McKennan knows this all too well. […]

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Handy Tips to Help You Find More Time

…by Suzanne Falter-Barnes Got time to read a quick essay about how to find more time? Desperately need more time but you\’re not sure where to find it? First take a nice deep breath, then settle back into your chair and read. I\’m here to share some really helpful info with you that has radically […]

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Wail On, Dear Locusts

…by Julie Clark Robinson “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time.” –John Lubbock To normal people, a locust\’s cry probably goes unnoticed. It doesn\’t consistently chat like […]

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Midlife for Women – A Play in Three Acts: Act II

ACT II – MASTERING THE MALADIES The MALADIES are the FIVE most common conditions that make overcoming the CRUMMIES (see my June 2006 NABBW column) more difficult. They are MALTREATMENT, MALFUNCTION, MALIGNANCY, MALPRACTICE, and MALARKEY. You probably have one or more in your life that complicate getting and staying healthy. MALTREATMENT can be past or […]

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