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Articles by: Dotsie Bregel

Baby Boomers: Top Trends

Baby boomers are known for being trendsetters. We moved families into the suburbs; began the peace trend of the 60s due to the Viet Nam War; entered college in droves; more women climbed the corporate ladder than ever before; gave birth to less children; bought mini-vans and station wagons to lug our kids around; began […]

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Picking Up Pen (or Keyboard) at Midlife

As Founder of the National Association of Baby Boomer Women, www.NABBW.com and www.BoomerWomenSpeak.com I\’ve learned that baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964 are interested in writing. There are many reasons for this midlife call such as: writing their own story that\’s been buried too long writing to heal self and others the need to […]

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What Baby Boomer Women Want

Thirty-eight million baby boomer women are turning ages 45-63 in 2009. As little girls we lived the simpler life. Moms were at home caring for their children and husbands; dads worked nine to five and dinner was on the table at six. We jumped rope, played hop-scotch, married off Barbie and Ken, and played with […]

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Social Networking for Baby Boomers

According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, one-third of adult Internet users have a profile on a social networking Web site. A recent study by Accenture also shows baby boomers onboard with a 59% increase in using social networking sites. There’s a big misconception that baby boomers might not be tech savvy enough […]

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For Women 40+, Social Networking is Essential

When we think of social networking, we often picture teenage kids gabbing in online chat rooms, young singles seeking other young singles, or first-time mothers sharing advice with other moms. But the fastest growing group of folks turning to the Internet to connect, share information, and support each other is baby boomer women. And the […]

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Keeping Fit on a Budget

The economy has everyone pinching pennies, and in some cases, that goes double for baby boomers with plans on entering retirement. A 2008 survey from the AARP, an advocacy group for older Americans, reported that one in five middle-aged workers stopped contributing to their retirement plans in the last year, and one in three has […]

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Baby Boomer Women at Midlife

There are 38 million baby boomer women turning ages 44-62. The sheer number of us is changing the image of midlife women like no generation before. Middle age finds us pondering how we\’ve lived the first half of our lives and what to do about the second. Some of us are in the grips of […]

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Finding Purpose in Mid-Life

“Honey? It’s Dad. I’m at the emergency room with Mother and the doctor wants her to see an oncologist before she leaves. They think she has cancer.” I had no clue how Dad’s words would change my life. I was absorbed in family life as a stay-at-home mom. Volunteering at schools, church, and neighborhood defined […]

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Girlfriend Getaways

Baby boomer women know the importance of girlfriends. Whether it’s time spent on the phone, hours sitting in a restaurant going over the latest details of young adult children, a break-up, work issues, or grandchildren; weekends spent combing neat shops, eating luscious foods, and living life to the fullest – boomer women receive support and […]

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Caring for Loved Ones: Less is Best

Barbara Friesner, Eldercare Expert for the National Association of Baby Boomer Women and Founder of www.AgeWiseLiving.com, reports that, according to the 2006 MetLife Mature Market Institute® survey, the majority of family caregivers (79%) are providing care to someone over the age of 50. In addition, nearly 60% of those caring for an adult over the […]

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Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.