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Weekly Update – 10/10/10

10/10/10 – Did YOU Celebrate?

Anne Holmes - Boomer in Chief at NABBW

As I write this today, it is October 10, 2010, or 10/10/10 for short. A day to remember, if you are one of those people who sees special magic in unusual number combinations. After all:

  • Some of us like “top-10” lists
  • Others rank people by their looks, and “10” is the tops
  • Many of us live by the Ten Commandments
  • A telephone number, including the area code, has 10 digits

So, does the number 10 really mean something?

Sort of. Cultures all over the world tend to give significance or special meaning to certain numbers. In the United States, 10 is one of those in which people see meaning — along with three, as in “things happen in threes” — as they try to make sense of their lives and gauge their futures.

In American culture, we love to think we’re very scientific thinkers, but we also have ways of thinking that are really kind of magical. Perhaps it’s a way of trying to control the future.

As for me, though in most ways I’m pretty practical, I still think that w hen we have magical numbers working for us on our calendar, we need to take advantage.

One good way to do so, especially given my recent suggestion that Boomers are going to lead us out of the current economic downtrend, is to think creatively about how we want the last 3 months of 2010 to unfold.

That’s why I took time at 10 AM this morning to sit at my desk and write down my goals for the last days of 2010 in my business planning notebook. As you might guess, my goals are related to growing the NABBW and making it a membership site Boomer Women turn to daily.

In proper goal-setting style, I was specific, making sure my goals are measurable, attainable, realistic, tangible goals.

And in honor of the triple threat of ten, I also wrote down three possible obstacles that might get in my way, as well as three solutions to those obstacles, so I can be prepared to overcome the challenges should they arise…

Next I moved on to the steps that so many of us neglect in our goal-setting activities, though it is actually pretty fun:

I wrote down SPECIFIC ACTION STEPS for achieving my goals, which I posted on the wall next to my desk, so that I can keep track — on a daily basis — of where I stand.

Finally, I thought of you on 10/10/10 as I set my end of the year goals. After all, there is power in numbers.

Boomer Babes Rock

By the way, there were other Boomer women celebrating the day. In 11 cities nationwide, Marjorie Paul and her fellow Boomer Babes were celebrating the day she proclaimed to be a day for Boomer babes to rock the world . Perhaps you read about this on Facebook, or participated in one of the events. If you did, let us know about how you celebrated.

Enjoy this issue!

We’re thrilled to be featuring loads of news bytes this issue, so be sure to check them out.

I’m leaving you today with one of my favorite quotes, but be sure to check out the other quotes in this issue as well:

“ Whatever you can do, or dream you can, BEGIN IT.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” ~

And remember, NABBW is dedicated to supporting you and helping you live the best life possible. Be sure and use all your benefits, and if you\’re not yet a member join now! Exciting things are happening here!

Please take a moment to send me your thoughts, ideas, suggestions. You know me, I’m always listening!

Anne L. Holmes, APR
“Boomer in Chief”

www.NABBW.com, www.BoomerWomenSpeak.com, www.BoomerWomensWorld.com
www.BoomerLifestyle.com, www.BoomerDomains.com, www.BoomerCo.com

Inspirational Quotes For Living

Enjoy This Week\’s Quotes

  • It wasn\’t until late in life that I discovered how easy it is to say \’I don\’t know\’.” ~ W. Somerset Maugham
  • A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and sings it back to you when you have forgotten how it goes.” ~ Author Unknown
  • You already possess everything necessary to become great.” ~ Native American Crow Proverb

Remember to share “your” favorite quotes by forwarding them to us.

Boomers In The News!

Recent Articles of Interest to Baby Boomers

The BoomerWomenSpeak Community

Share Your Voice With Us On The Following Topics

Clickng on the photos or links below that interest you.

Would you buy pre-cooked bacon?

Would You Buy Pre-cooked Bacon?

Setting up a dog walking business

Setting Up a Dog Walking Business

BWS member pens operetta, “Song of the Trail”

Double Standard for Stars Doing Drugs?

Double Standard for Stars Doing Drugs?

October Teleseminars

Recordings of Recent Teleseminars

Introductory Interview About Bridging Heart & Marketing IV
Judith Sherven, PhD and Jim Sniechowski, PhD – October 6th
Listen To The Recording

NABBW recommends Judith & Jim\’s Bridging Heart & Marketing IV Tele-Conference to members wanting to succeed online. It begins this Thursday, and includes expert training for 11 days. In addition to four sessions taught by Judith & Jim themselves, seven other knowledgeable trainers speak, including Steve Holmes [husband and business partner of Anne Holmes, NABBW’s Boomer in Chief]

Domestic Violence: Why Does She Stay? Why Doesn’t He Stop?
Lynn Tolson – October 7th
Listen To The Recording

Upcoming Teleseminars

October 21st at 8 PM ET (5PM Pacific)
Dr. Dorree Lynn
Sexuality and Intimacy for Grownups

October 28th at 7 PM ET (4PM Pacific)
Mary Beth Izard
Boomerpreneurs: How You Can Start Your Own Business, Make Money and Enjoy Life

Funny Video

Toys Boomers Survived as Explained by Garry Lee Wright

Remember Play Doh, Easy Bake Ovens, Jarts, wood burning kits, chemistry sets?
Then you’ll enjoy this funny video clip!


NABBW Member News

Naomi Giroux
Naomi has been very busy lately with a number of projects, but wants her fellow NABBW writer to know about her site, http://www.Stimulating-conversation.com, which is a support system for writers. “We have many services to help authors ‘get the word out’ about themselves and their products. Author websites, marketing assistance and tons of free information,” she says. She also promotes educated consumers in the area of healthcare. “I have a book that will come our soon and a website in development. It is important to teach people how to protect themselves and their loved ones when dealing with healthcare systems. I worked in the system for over 30 years.”

Lynn Goodwin
Lynn shares that her Writer Advice Manuscript Consultation Service can help you with brainstorming, organization, drafting and polishing anything from a flyer or newsletter to an essay or a book. Click the link for more details.

Kathleen Gage
Kathleen Gage advises that she works with spiritually aware speakers, authors, coaches and consultants who are ready to turn their knowledge into money making products and services. If that describes you, contact her at Street Smarts Marketing

Susan Santangelo
For those of you who are anxiously awaiting a chance to find out what’s next for Carol and Jim Andrews, Susan’s Baby Boomer mystery-solving couple, she reports that she has finished the first draft of her next book, “Moving Can Be Murder,” and it is currently in edits/revisions.

Anne-Marie Hood
Anne-Marie writes that her story, “Take It Or Leave It” is published in Eric Bowen’s recent release: “Wisdom Of Our Mothers – Stories and Poems by Daughters and Sons” which is available through Amazon.com, or familiabooks.com. She’s delighted that Mr. Bowen is donating one-half of the proceeds from the sale of his book to shelters that assists women and their children escape from abusive relationships in honor of mothers who are doing their work through challenging circumstances.

Diane Black
Diane Black, owner/Chief Lather Maker of New Mexico Soap, home of unique regional designs capturing the history, agriculture and the art of the Southwest, has just introduced a new gift ensemble perfect for holiday gifting, bridal party favors, other special occasions and even for a self-pampering purchase! The Genuine New Mexico Soap Body Gear Kit contains five items, including two bars of soap of your choice (with 34 to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect scents or shapes for everyone) packaged in a forest green gift bag. All soaps are hypo-allergenic, non-animal tested, and contain no detergents, sulfates, surfactants, sugar solutions or animal products (other than powdered goat milk) . Order online and save!

Erica Miner
Erica Miner invites you to listen to a new interview she did with publisher Valerie Connelly of Nightengale Press and Hot Radio Now about her coming-of-age in the 60s novel \’FourEver Friends.’ It will be posted at that link through September 20. After that, it will be archived on the same site.

Judith Sherven
Judith and Jim announce their latest virtual conference on Soft Sell Marketing. “Bridging Heart and Marketing IV” is a very unique virtual conference for service professionals who don\’t like to sell. Featuring 11 Soft Sell Marketing Training Sessions with TOP trainers – including Mark Joyner – the Godfather of Internet Marketing – (he even invented the eBook!) Here’s your chance to stop selling yourself short and worrying about offending your customers, develop your heart and integrity-based marketing, and enjoy the financial rewards of this new spiritually-grounded approach!

Barbara Hannah Grufferman
Barbara Hannah Grufferman reports she is doing a book talk at the JCC (Jewish Community Center) in Manhattan on October 13 th from 7 to 9 PM Eastern. Join her if you’re in the area.

Roberta Allen
Roberta Allen, author of FAST FICTION, and THE PLAYFUL WAY TO SERIOUS WRITING, invites you to join her and her workshop members at their reading, to be held at Greenwich Village’s legendary Cornelia Street Café, on Monday September 27, from 6 – 8 PM ET. Her fall writing workshops are full, but email her if you are interested in participating, as she is developing new dates.

Vicki Lynn King
Vicki Lynn King is delighted to announce that you can now sample the songs on her new CD, “I’ll Be Seeing You.” A recent reviewer said of it: “With this, her third album, she brings her sultry, bluesy voice to a collection of old standards that are Irresistible!”

Jan Cullinane
Jan Cullinane will be doing a talk for the ISCEBS (International Society of Certified Employee Benefit Specialists) in Charlotte in October on What Women Want (and Need) in Retirement.

Anne Holmes NABBW’s “Boomer in Chief”

As "Boomer in Chief" of the National Association of Baby Boomer Women, Anne is passionate about educating, empowering and enriching the lives of Baby Boomer Women, as we now begin to age beyond our middle years and enthusiastically launch ourselves into life’s next stage – which most people call old age. We Boomers know aging doesn’t have to diminish us. We still have a lot to offer the world, and we continue to be ready and willing to enthusiastically participate.

Actively involved with a number of Boomer-focused organizations and committees, Anne keeps a steady finger on the pulse of this still-spirited generation, with the goal of helping us all to enjoy life, stay healthy and continue to live lives that are rich in every sense of the word. Beyond that, Anne is dedicated to helping facilitate the positive interaction between Baby Boomers and the hard-working younger generations who are readying themselves to “take the world’s reins” and continue our efforts to move society in a positive direction.

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Weekly Update
Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.