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November 14th, 2023

Introducing The Ageless Traveler

  1. Introducing The Ageless Traveler Adriane Berg 14:13

Adriane Berg is the host of The Ageless Traveler podcast.

She is a travel addict who has been to 110 countries and is passionate about helping others overcome barriers to travel. Adriane is also a United Nations representative from the International Federation on Aging and a member of the NGO Committee on Aging.

Introducing The Ageless Traveler Your #1 Resource for Life Long Travel
Adriane Berg introduces The Ageless Traveler podcast, a show dedicated to knocking down barriers to travel and providing resources and guidance for both armchair and active travelers. She shares her own love for travel and the importance of friendship in the travel experience. Adriane highlights the Ageless Ambassador Program, which focuses on increasing life purpose as we age.  

The podcast structure includes interviews with authors, experts, and travel insiders, as well as hints and tips on travel and aging. Adriane emphasizes the importance of culture and art in travel experiences and offers examples of festivals and events she covers. The show notes provide additional resources and information for listeners.
 Listeners will discover:
1. How The Ageless Traveler podcast knocks down barriers to travel and provides resources for both armchair and active travelers.

2.  How to ask questions of top travel experts to be healthier, wiser, safer and get the most out of your travel.

3. How to join The Ageless Ambassador Program which focuses on increasing life purpose as we age.

4. How Collaboration with tour companies allows for group travel at the best prices.

5. A fun fact about BAGPIPES…with music you’ll love.

6. An invitation to a little-known festival in Britain that has been offered for decades.


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X Page: https://twitter.com/2023AgelessT

YouTube Page: https://www.youtube.com/@AgelessTraveler-ft1kr?reload=9

Instagram Page: https://www.instagram.com/2023agelesstraveler/

Pinterest Page: https://www.pinterest.com/adrianegbergagelesstraveler/

Adriane Berg Associate for Successful Aging & Ageless Travel

Adriane Berg is the Host of the two weekly podcasts, The Ageless Traveler: Lifelong Travel Made Easy and Generation Bold, The Fountain of Truth About Aging, as well as the author of fourteen books on money and lifestyle. She sits on the United Nations NGO-NYC Committee or Ageing and is Cheerleader in Chief for Business Authority 50+, guiding the growing number of later-life entrepreneurs to success. She is a Co-Founder of N.A.E.L.A., The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys.

Adriane is a highly sought-after business development consultant and inspirational keynote speaker, ready to present to your business or consumer audience.

Adriane's mission is to change our concept of aging and the mature life stage to one of good health, excitement, and accomplishment. Baby boomer women are the best educated and most affluent group of women in history. Yet, many struggle with one unifying issue. They have no real place for contribution.

Join the National Association of Baby Boomer Women!  Serving 38 million of the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated generation of women to ever hit midlife, baby boomer women.