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NABBW Event Worksheet: “The Match Game: Where Should I Volunteer?”

“The Match Game: Where Should I Volunteer?”

This is your worksheet for the NABBW Teleseminar on May 26, 2011 with Betsy Smith, Ph.D. and Diane Hawkins, of Second Blooming for Women.

As you may recall, Kathleen Vestal Logan and Betsy Smith conducted an NABBW teleseminar on their book Second Blooming for Women: Growing a Life That Matters after Fifty on April 26, 2011. During the call, participants like you suggested several future topics, one of which was how to ensure a good volunteer experience.

Today\’s call with Betsy and Diane  is designed to answer your questions on volunteering.

Be sure to visit our website right after the call to learn about our gifts for all who participated in our NABBW calls.

On this call you will learn how to answer the following questions:

Why should I volunteer?

Why do I need to think ahead of time about where to volunteer?  Aren’t all the opportunities worthwhile?

What do you mean by saying I should look for a “return on my investment” of volunteer time?

What are the consequences of a poor match between me and where I choose to volunteer?

Why is it important for me to know my values, vision, passions and purpose before I commit myself?

What questions should I ask before making a commitment? What do I need to know about the organization itself?

How do I respectfully decline an invitation if it’s not a good match for me?

What’s required for me to be an effective volunteer?  (meetings, responsibilities, training, time, talent, money, etc.)

How do I recognize when I’ve made the right choice? Or when it’s time to leave?

Is there a limit to how many activities I can participate in effectively?

NABBW Contributing Author

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