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Boomer Experts Share Top Secrets for Deep Love, Playful Intimacy — And Great Sex

“Boomer Experts Share Top Secrets for Deep Love,
Playful Intimacy — And Great Sex.”

Thursday May 20th, at 7 PM EST

with guests

NABBW Expert Jed Diamond, PhD.,

Jed is Founder and Director of the MenAlive, a health program that helps men live long and well. This program is also for women who care about the health of the men in their lives. A licensed psychotherapist for over 44 years and author of seven books including the international best-selling Male Menopause, Surviving Male Menopause, and The Irritable Male Syndrome: Understanding and Managing the 4 Key Causes of Depression and Aggression.


The Intimacy Expert, Carla Tara.

Carla Tara, The Intimacy Expert, currently teaches intimacy seminars and workshops at the New York Open Center and at her own Ohana Tantra School in New York and Maui, and is offering her new Booming Relationships workshop for baby boomers who want to rekindle their passion for life and their partners. A member of the Association of Sexual Energy Professionals, Carla enjoys sharing her passion for deep and vibrant love with her clients, and her wisdom inspires and offers a sacred space for great transformation to occur.


Here are just a few topics of discussion you can expect to hear on the call:

  • The most important issues facing boomer men and women today
  • What\’s going on with men these days that impacts their ability to experience deep joy and intimacy?
  • We all know about menopause in women, but does a man go through something similar
  • How can men and women have a relationship that lasts forever
  • The main causes of IMS and how can a woman help her man
  • How does the media\’s focus on “youth” make the natural aging process much more difficult for boomer women?
  • What are the common symptoms of menopause?
  • Many boomer women use menopause as an excuse to withdraw from sex. Why do they drift towards this and tips to prevent it
  • What is the Ocean Breath and how to use it to deal with menopause
  • How can a woman best communicate with her man when she is struggling through the transition or when he refuses to recognize the issues
  • And many, many more!
Seminar Time:7:00 pm EST

NABBW Contributing Author

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