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Second Blooming for Women: Growing a Life That Matters After 50

Second Blooming for Women: Growing a Life That Matters After 50
By Kathleen Vestal Logan and E.L. (Betsy) Smith, Ph.D.
Reviewed by Anne Holmes for the NABBW

As a plus 50 woman, do you find yourself asking questions like:

  • Am I making a difference?
  • Does my life matter?
  • What do I want to do with the rest of my life?

These are life’s ultimate questions, and as women we ask them with increasing urgency once we turn 50.  We want to live fulfilling, meaningful lives, but often feel marginalized in a society that values youth and physical beauty. It becomes more of a challenge for us to retain a sense of value, so we must be proactive in making our life choices.

This book uses the extended metaphor of flowers, soil and root systems to illustrate the blossoming of the mature years; it is a period of time for women to take charge of their lives and take advantage of the possibilities.

What sort of possibilities? They might include opportunities like:

  • Starting a new career
  • Developing a talent that has lain dormant for years
  • Making a concerted effort to forgive and let go old habits that hold you back from your potential

Authors Logan and Smith are life coaches and have packed every chapter with inspiring advice that will be sure to give you a pick-me-up when life throws you a challenge.

They’ve invited a diverse cadre of women to share their perspectives throughout the chapters, which insures that the book never feels too academic. Besides the personal stories from the round table of women, the authors themselves also share their lives and experiences with the reader.

Logan and Smith alternate chapters, having selected their chapters based on their individual expertise. Logan’s chapters focus more on the why you should bloom (“Are You Root Bound? Embrace Change”) while Smith’s chapters give you the how (“Annuals: Inventory Your Skills”).

At the beginning of each chapter is original floral artwork from Lyda Toy, captioned with a definition of that flower, which sets the tone for the text that follows. For instance, there’s kudzu at the front of Logan’s chapter of “Weeds: Pull Them to Improve Your Garden’s Yield,” which is one of most powerful sections in the book.

Each chapter ends with exercises and resources so the reader always feels supported and the learning can continue beyond the initial reading.

SECOND BLOOMING provides the benefits of a personal coach, helping you maximize your opportunities while minimizing the pitfalls. An inspiring but practical process guides you to picture, plan, and grow a purposeful life.

You\’ll embrace the second half of life with optimism, self-understanding, and enthusiasm. Engaging, real-life stories throughout will connect you to the millions of other women who are also cultivating their life\’s garden.

And your reward? No regrets. No “if only” wishes. Instead, you\’ll celebrate a life well-lived and be able to say, “My life matters.”

NABBW Contributing Author

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