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Ralph Mroz’s Book, “The Senior Years Master Plan,” Is Your Field Guide to End of Life Planning

As author Ralph Mroz states in the first sentence of this book, we’re all going to die. But, he says, the more important question is, how hard is dealing with your death going to be – both for you and for the people you leave behind?  

Obviously, your family and the other people who are tasked with handling your estate, are going to grieve your loss, whether or not it’s timing comes as a surprise. But how much work will they have ahead of them, finalizing your estate? Most of us, he points out, would prefer to minimize their work, and have a say in our endgame. That’s why this book exists.

While there are plenty of book already written on aging, this book aims to be a guide to making the plans needed to traverse your senior years on YOUR terms. And as Baby Boomers, people who’ve worked our entire lives to change the way the world exists, that’s certainly what we want.

Mroz’s book offers readers a master plan, an overview of the broad landscape you need to address as you reach your 50s, 60s, and beyond.

In just under 125 pages, he covers the main issues we all ought to address now, while we are young enough to be able to express our desires with regard to how we want to live out the final quarter of our days. Or, optionally, to help our parents.

Therefore, his initial chapters cover the full gamut of housing, care and lifestyle options, including:

  • Definitions of the various terms like CCRC, (continuing care retirement community), respite care, and skilled nursing facility. All things good to know, especially should you need talk to with an eldercare professional, who regularly uses these terms.
  • The pluses and minuses of aging in place.
  • Ways to keep busy, which might include volunteering, taking a part-time job, getting involved in politics, helping provide child care for your grandkids, traveling or really delving into a hobby
  • The benefits and responsibilities of having pets, and finally the big question:
  • Knowing when you need to relinquish the car keys.

Mroz’s next chapters offer advice on setting up your “team.” That is, the group of professionals you hire to help you manage your life. Of course, they include your medical team, your financial planner, your elder law attorney, your personal trainer, a nutritionist, the various maintenance people who will keep everything running for you, your geriatric care manager – and people who are wiling to act as your sending board.

Finally Mroz wraps up with a very important chapter on overall psychological wellness, and concludes with a chapter on the details we all ought to be planning for, regarding our preferred manner of dying, our way of death and our funeral.

There’s a lot packed into this thought-provoking field guide. You can acquire a copy of “The Senior Years Master Plan” from Amazon.com in either Kindle or paperback format.





NABBW Contributing Author

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