Trees are Bare

When caring for a loved one who is dying, one finds themselves dipping down and drawing form pools of strength in order to aid the mind, body and spirit during an attempt to minister comfort. Trees are Bare chronicles the months Pamela Marie Brown spent attending to her mother, helping her wage a battle against the cancer that eventually took her life. She transitions through sadness, grief, despair, anger… and finds a way to enable herself to serve her mother with compassion. Brown acknowledges how difficult the journey was; the experience most certainly changed her. She allowed herself to feel completely the gamut of emotions that accompanied that experience and resisted the temptation, and sometimes the pressure, to compartmentalize the messy pieces and to move on. Journaling helped her sort through complex feelings and proceed at the pace that felt right for her.
Brown hopes to remind those grappling with similar circumstances to be gentle with themselves; there is no right or wrong way to grieve; individual paths will vary in length, in intensity and in direction and it is all okay. The gift of being able to care for those we love in their hour of greatest need quiets our souls and calms our hearts. There are lined, empty pages in the back of the book to encourage the reader to write their own thoughts or personal reflections; assisting them in the process of healing.