Seeing Through the Lies

Skelton is an RN, a writer and speaker. With this work, she calls us to open our eyes. I liked that in addition to highlighting scripture, she incorporates various quotes and words of wisdom that she has unearthed. Words like, “You can easily judge the character of a man by the way he treats those who can do nothing for him,” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe—-I love that. Or, in the chapter titled, I’m So Proud of my Humility, “Humility is like underwear—essential, but indecent if it shows,” Helen Neilson.
Seeing Through the Lies can serve as a tool for biblical study: Skelton poses questions to mull-over and where to find the answers in biblical text. She reaffirms the necessity of opening ourselves up to the word of God, and then meditating on those words to hear the guidance He offers; I often need a reminder of ways to do this—Skelton maps a direct, inviting path.